Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Stephanie gives the finger to the firefighters Attorney Deanna Deveney goes on ZOOM and immortalizes how naughty, naughty she is.


it isn't the enormous numbers that this popular blog / news aggregator gets...it's how deeply entrenched in the search engines that it is, spreading the word about these frauds perpetually and eternally....ed finn, thug!

 Stephanie gives the finger to the firefighters
 Attorney Deanna Deveney goes on ZOOM and immortalizes how
 naughty, naughty she is.

I did a nice video of Mayor DeMaria at the Encore opening press party
some years back.   He seems to love the city of Everett, and the Encore
has made the city more upscale.   Mayor DeMaria, please, tell Deanna
to apologize and clean out her desk.