Friday, March 29, 2019

E mail to Attorney Scanlon and others...

Dear Attorney Scanlon,

I would like to know if the ridiculous "CORI WAIVER" for TV3 has been revised, as Attorney Rumley "Don't hold me to my promises of investigating my fellow boardmembers of TV3" - the City Solicitor, offered again as what appears to be yet another false promise.

Has it been revised and, if so, where can the public see it on the city website.

Has Pat Gordon posted such a waiver on our website for MCM (I say "our" facetiously)

After Mr. Rumley got snippy with me @ a meeting of the Cable Advisory board (not as over-the-top as he's been with Michael Marks, but still snippy and unprofessional)
I did ask about Rumley's alleged "Cori Waiver."

Rumley said it was "in flux" and then threw a slap at me, very provocative but, unfortunately, that's our city solicitor.

I would like to know if Rumley's found time for the city to put together a waiver that - and this is not being humorous, this is serious,
a waiver that doesn't make good citizens appear like child molesters.

For Mr. Rumley's "CORI WAIVER" reads as if someone signing it is a rapist, and that is UNACCEPTABLE.
For years we have trusted that Mr. Rumley would open the doors to access tv.
All we've gotten in return?

---a failed "election" in 2008 that resulted in abuse of cable TV subscriber monies for lawsuits totaling over 100K

---double talk and balderdash from a city solicitor regarding where the TV3 monies went, the very board that Rumley sat on at least once.
Is the solicitor PROTECTING the scoundrels that ran the station into the ground?

Why on earth would one need a "CORI CHECK" when we pay Mr. Gordon what, 70k?, to have a pathetic Twitter account and a weak website.
Mr. Gordon is supposed to SUPERVISE the children and the members.  That's his job.

Wakefield High School doesn't demand a CORI CHECK of people taping in Wakefield, nor did Winchester or the other access stations.

Indeed, Mr. Rumley has always been devlish (and that's how a resident referenced Rumley the other day, as "the devil," - my hand on the Bible on that one. Indeed, residents have nothing nice to
say about Mr. Rumley and his efforts to block free expression, squelching the First Amendment, limiting speech in Medford due to thin-skinned reprobates on the city council and elsewhere)...

Jay Campbell praising every reprobate in site "Golly gee, he's great, oh , this is fantastic...oh, I want my own show, damn the residents, me, me, me, me, me, is the Campbell mantra. Oh, has
Stephanie considered me for a job lately?

It's embarrassing.

The City of Medford has the worst access around, and Rumley's pals from his time at TV3 are the ones frightening people from joining
Art Deluca, Steve Bertorelli, Lenny Scoletta, these are not welcoming and/or friendly people.  They are creepy.

Interesting that my TV show has developed 2 presidents of two access stations, many board members, producers of the year, because I facilitate access TV everywhere I go

And people resent it.  Because many access stations consider it their "turf" for the paycheck.  Anthony Gaimari in Winchester had no skills, he was an employee's roommate.
Yet they engaged in sexual harassment under the supervision of Dave Gauthier, who protected bad conduct for fear he would lose his job.  Winchester has the same
mentality as the old TV3, all about 3 board members and no one else.  So potty-mouthed Gaimari would make comments about a professional from a major TV station having a crush on  his roommate
Yes, the old TV3 nonsense.

Seeing Mr. Rumley engaging with Michael Marks in hissy fits at the council just proves that Rumley would rather act like a tenth grader shooting spitballs at me, at Marks, at the lamp post, than
do the job he is required to do.  Too much power, too much ego, and no result Rumley

My new name for Mark: NO RESULT RUMLEY

It's all about him, and not about anyone else.

We want our TV station.

Is the new waiver available?  Or was Mark Rumley too busy collecting alleged credit card debt allegedly in Somerville Court

What an embarrassment.  What a disgrace.

I'll leave you with a quote from Mr. Rumley's ex or current "roommate" over above Anthony's Liquors - Rep Donato about me:

"You're a decent person. You should be the kind of person that people have a lot of respect for. 

Truer words were never spoken

we are happy that Rep Donato appreciates our investigative reporting!

Joe Viglione  
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn MA 01888