Sunday, March 24, 2019

Why Couldn't It Have Been A Priest That You Wanted to Kiss? Good Creepy Story!!!!

If the church is going to rape parishioners, why can't they have good looking priests and a varsity coach do the molesting, fat old Jenna?

Rannells writes, “Cleaning up after the party, I felt a little numb. I thought, How many teenage boys have to deal with this shit at their graduation parties? Am I the only one? Or was Father Dominic just taking a tour of homes and forcing French kisses on young men throughout the city? If I had to kiss a priest at my graduation party, why couldn’t it have been a priest I wanted to kiss?  

Forget the priests...what about Roy Belson's stupid comment to Krissy Fraser about allegedly hiding sexual predators at Medford High School?

If you have - or would like to have - experienced sexual violence and are in need of more of the same, please call the Old Roy's Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-Medford-ROY (4673).  Jenna Tarabelsi should be out on work release shortly and can help you pick out a varsity coach and a few creepy priests that can help you in that regard!

this is a parody, if you need mental help, go to Cummings Park in Woburn to seek out a bald old buzzard...