Thursday, March 21, 2019

Stephanie Muccini-Burke for VRAYLAR Bipolar Disorder Treatment

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A Commercial and a Parody ALL IN ONE!

S & M Burke: Dr. Skerry, Dr. Skerry, it is I, Stephanie.   I got a free sample of Vraylar in the mail,
can you tell me about it?

Dr. Skerry: Can you take the hint?

S & M Burke:  I certainly did, what are you trying to do to me?


What is the most important information I should know about VRAYLAR?

Elderly people with dementia-related psychosis (having lost touch with reality due to confusion and memory loss) taking antipsychotic drugs are at an increased risk of death. VRAYLAR is not approved for treating people with dementia-related psychosis. 

Dr. Skerry: Oh, those are just your side effects.

Stephanie: It's the blog it's the blog it's the blog, that's all I need, that's why I am bipolar and with dementia, the damn blog is driving me crazy!

Dr. Skerry: The Varsity Coach!

S & M Burke: Et tu, Brute?  Don't start

Dr. Skerry:  We've hired a new stalker to harass him for you

S & M Burke: Oh, please! As if his boyfriend's ex wife was effective, now you've brought M.T. onboard

Dr. Skerry:  As in M.T. headed, friend of the fat buffoon councilor

S & M Burke: And with all Marian Ryan's resources fatso fell flat on his face and made a damn fool of himself in criminal court

Dr. Skerry: Well, what options do you have?  That's where you're going to end up if the blog keeps publishing

S & M Burke: THE VARSITY COACH, it's the gift that keeps on giving

Dr. Skerry: I'll drink to that

S & M Burke: I'm sure, you've run out of everything else to drink to...

Dr. Skerry: Maybe we'll feed the Vraylar to M.T. and the Fat Buffoon

S & M Burke: Sounds like a name for a rock band featuring a lacrosse player and a varsity coach

Dr. Skerry: Now you're getting into the spirit of things!