Sunday, March 24, 2019

Priest Gets Attacked - from a Church that has Attacked Followers for Centuries

1,328,452 @ 8:24 am
Gives new meaning to "watch your back!"

What happens when a church engages in Religious Persecution?

So that's where the cranky old board of directors - the unholy trio - moved to!  Canada!

'Horrible attack': Catholic priest stabbed during livestreamed church service in Canada as stunned parishioners look on

We are peaceful people and do not condone violence!   However, the church brought this upon itself by being so hypocritical, dishonest and gruesome against so many followers of Jesus for so many centuries!

Do you know any holier-than-thou holy roller that speaks with forked tongue?   RUN, don't walk, when that species tries to counsel you!

You can usually find them lurking around a city hall near you!  City Hall, Catholic Church, what's the difference when there's zero separation of church and state?  Cut from the same dirty cloth!