Sunday, January 5, 2020

Joe V's Thoughts on the Inauguration -

Joanne, the former manager of Extreme writes:
Looking good, Joe. (Brianna always looks good 😂)

Joe V responds:  Breanna ALWAYS looks good, Joanne. You know that envy is not part of my makeup but I AM jealous of Breanna's good looks! If I looked like her I'd be in trouble every single night, I swear to God.

Inauguration Day
"They make a lovely couple"
Jennifer Aniston in The Object of my Affection
Of course she was talking about some old dude and his young boy toy but...
Photo by Joseph Fortunato
Joe Photo is one of the legends of Access Television in Massachusetts
a ton of great people at this event.

Let's Give Breanna A Chance by JV
It's 1:40 pm. The Inauguration was a very good experience.

Look, it's Sunday. I wanted to sleep-in but there was housework to do. And now that I'm back at the ranch more housework to do.

Arrived at the Chevalier around 10:45 to first hear a man of the cloth speaking. It was good stuff. Hank Morse was a great choice for host...a notable Medford resident asked me "Who's that?" I said "Hank from WROR" of course the notable Medford resident probably doesn't listen to Rock & Roll - maybe Tommy Dorsey and Sinatra, not sure, but that's ok, our new mayor is succeeding at bringing people from different walks of life together.


Will change come about?


That's the anticipation. _______

For the first time in 32 years the two previous mayors are not in the seat of power. Remember, though, the infrastructure goes beyond political.

Stephanie Burke was invited but I did not see her.

Michael J. McGlynn, Mark Rumley, Paul Donato were there.

The old guard. And all due respect to them the old guard often resists the new.

That's the dilemma facing the new mayor.

Unity means juggling the old guard with the new and with all of us in between.

Said hi to Senator Pat Jehlen who was talking to Marie Mazzeo of Kitty Connection; One of Medford's hardest working and cordial individuals,Jim Silva, was - clearly - in his element. Methinks he's running for office. Steven Collicelli, marketing manager of The Chicken and Rice Guys was offering food. Gave him my regrets that he didn't get in to elected office, but there's always next election. He was in good spirits. Maury Carroll and Salvatore's Restaurant were table to table, both offering exquisite delights. Glad I didn't have breakfast...the coffee shop from between Wegman's and Bertucci's had great was interesting that it didn't feel like a YMCA gymnasium. Joe Fortunato was taking photos, and Joe Photo looked great. He's a survivor (on many levels,) and his friendly presence is a good sign of good people from the past still in the game here. Fire Chief Gilberti is always the perfect gentleman talking with Maury Carroll, Jean Nuzzo, Mea Mustone, Erin DiBenedetto Fred Laskey, Dan Hurley from Rep Donato's office, Bob Penta, faces important to Medford then and now all congregating under the theme of unity.