Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Letter to Mayor Adam Knight Criminal Complaint 139 days June 16, 2021 - November 2, 2021

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Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 2:10 PM  The L'Italien Report SPR19/2081  Here we go again.

Days to Election Day: 139 from Wednesday June 16, 2021

This just in from the Medford Police Dept. on the Criminal Complaint against Adam Knight
The Officers who investigated the incident determined that probable cause existed to charge the individual with wanton property damage and an application for a criminal complaint was filed with Somerville District Court requesting a hearing with the Clerk Magistrate for a determination of probable cause to go forward with the criminal charges.
Full letter online  Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:55 AM

Remember Nov 4, 2019 in regards to the L'Italien Report and now City Solicitor Kim Scanlon lost when she appealed: " SPR19 2081 Objection to Aspects of Amended Response of Kimberly Scanlon Addressing Fw: Public Records Determination"

Journalist Joe Viglione prevailed (again) and it took 21 more days to November 25th in order for the public to get my release of The L'Italien Report which - at this very moment -
5:01 pm 6/16/21 is #3 on my very popular blog (with 690 views so far today since 8 pm last night).  1,880,265 views is more than ANYTHING Patrick Gordon can get on VOD, Twitter or any other social media platform...because I work hard to get the news to the voters/taxpayers of Medford who fund the darn thing.   1,096  views yesterday (there are only 1,440 minutes in a day,) and for the past month and a half:  42,641 views in 47 days   This Month 14232 Last Month 28409

Medford squelch's free speech.  Something Mark Rumley DENIED while crossing his fingers behind his back.  Mr. Rumley is not a forthright man.

The Medford Police are stalling just like city hall stalled the release of the L'Italien Report.
A report from November 25, 2019 at #3 today on June 16, 2021 is unheard of. The report is still THAT POPULAR

Our friend Solicitor Scanlon fought tooth and nail to STOP voters and taxpayers from getting that public record.
Then she went to the individual that I had thrown off of a witness stand, the stuffed shirt full of himself Mark E. Rumley.
I prevailed then as well and defeated Mark Rumley as I have done so many times before.

It's an election cycle.  Rep Donato says that this is THE most important right, protected speech, free speech.

Adam Knight is being investigated for a criminal complaint and is heading to the Magistrate. 
Can his pals in high places give him a pass, or is Knight going down?

One thing is for damn sure: city government doesn't care about you the people who fund the entire operation.

Adam Knight has proved to be a nuisance for the past seven years.  He has a hideous reputation, beyond
the dozens of times he has put his foot in his mouth at the city council of Medford.  $31,000.00 for door destroyer hot-head Adam Knight?
Medford isn't a venue for Mr. Knight's persistent demolition derbies.

The public needs to have the information to vote Knight out of office.

The information needs to be made public immediately.

City Hall lost when it was two dozen cops and the L'Italien Report

Why are they coddling and circling the wagons for the likes of Adam Knight?

"You won. You won. And the city is better off for it."
J J Mclean in 2014 when I prevailed over Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

Attorney Scanlon, don't you have better things to do than read about Mayor Lungo-Koehn's arch-enemy Adam Knight?

I'm doing Breanna yet another favor, as I've done so many times before.

I feel like clean-up woman Martha Coakley when I have far better things to do business-wise at the xerox machine in about an hour or two.