Thursday, June 17, 2021

You Got Screwed Again, Medford, RE: Access Television, only this time City Govt / City Council Turned out to be the THIEVES


Medford Station Manager at 70K a year allegedly fled to Everett TV, look at this ...NO CLASSES because there are NO REAL MEMBERS< just names on a list. Classes could have been held via ZOOM, that's what I would have done, but during the pandemic when we needed this media outlet to step up and lead, for 70k or so a year the lazy station manager did NOTHING. He worked the GOVERNMENT CHANNEL when public access was put on the backburner. You've been cheated, Medford, and you couldn't fight the Columbus School fiasco without this essential tool. But why listen to me, I've only been involved with access since 1979. Look at this nonsensical link: