Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Adam Knight Smashed Free Speech and Public Accomodation Rights as Viciously as he Murdered a Bank of America Door

7:36 pm Wednesday Dec 29, 2021  28 hits in 36 minutes from 7 pm  929 hits yesterday

The Breanna Lungo-Koehn Poetry Corner

A parody of a jackass city councilor in Medford 

A Reprobate

Even his own mother

could hate.

Adam Knight: Wanton Destruction of Bank Door

He tried to access

the ATM by Force

Citizens are betting on

a Knight family DIVORCE

A derelict union boy

his life is on the skids

Hope that D.S.S. can help

his wife and both his kids

If Medford is a bordello

to the unlucky who have had him

just an ugly angry dude

they call the city Madame