Saturday, December 25, 2021

Two Police Reports on Two City Councilors are TWO TOO MANY Two Questions for Medford Residents

12:59 pm 

                    Closing in on 500 readers on Christmas Day, we are very appreciative.

                        Giving Medford the information City Hall keeps trying to hide.

11:24 am 

The Medford Police Department’s Public Records division on December 23, 2021 sent this writer two police reports – one on Knight and the other on Isaac Bruce Bears, II. 

The first question Medford residents need to ask themselves: 

why are city councilors showing up in police reports? 

The second is: do we want this for our children and ourselves, to paraphrase Judge Jackson-Thompson.

The answer is a loud and clear: NO.

Read the story on Reprobate Isaac Bruce Bears II of the

Our Revolution and Medford City Council

it is a pitiful, arrogant situation that Zac Bears has created