Thursday, December 30, 2021


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Thu, Dec 30 at 3:05 PM
To the City Clerk:

Enclosed is my letter to District Attorney Marian Ryan
regarding the disgraceful attacks on my civil rights:

1)Adam Hurtubise, City Clerk, 
molesting petitions without authorization

2)Adam Knight potentially violating alleged probation 
   allegedly issued by clerk of courts,
   elder abuse, violation of council rules, 
   violation of oath of office (see attached)

3)Richard F. Caraviello RETALIATING for losing in court 
    to a highly respected music and film journalist.

Please ensure that Caraviello and Knight recuse themselves and 
that I am able to speak on these issues:   
1)Cori Check for government officials,
2)Medford Housing Authority losing court case,  
3)previous speech on council pay
  that was denied me, illegally, 
  when Knight blurted out "Paper Out of Order" when:

a)It was a legitimate paper
b)Knight was out of order
c)Caraviello failed to maintain decorum

Kevin J. Harrington, the new station manager of 
the government-controlled fraud public access station
slammed the phone in my ear when I requested membership..

This censorship is wrong.

My attorneys are working on a presentment letter as 
I intend to sue the city
and all the bad actors at the police department and city hall 
for this malicious pattern of harassment.

Next council president be on notice.  
I will not tolerate this elder abuse
that Neil Osborne, Diversity Director, turns a blind eye to.

Joe Viglione
address, phone, etc. at the conclusion of this document

December 30, 2021

Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan
15 Commonwealth Avenue
Woburn, MA 01801
Tel 781 897-8300


Medford Police Dept.
Lt. Joseph W. Casey
100 Main Street
Medford MA 02155

The Honorable Maurice Flynn
Clerk Maggie Weeks
Somerville District Court
175 Fellsway
Somerville, MA 02145


Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155


RE: Possible Clerk-probation 
      Violation by Adam Knight


Dear D.A. Marian Ryan,

Could I kindly be apprised of the A.D.A., if any, handling the case of Adam Knight, 
heard in Somerville District Court on or about September 24, 2021:

a)Is Mr. Knight under “clerk probation” and if he 
   violates that alleged probation, how will he be punished?

b)Mr. Knight’s 9/24/21 case was “continued.”  
   What rules does public figure and Medford City Councilor 
  (currently Vice President of the counsel) Adam Knight have to abide by?

As you can see I am sending this important letter to 
the Medford Police, the Mayor of Medford, Somerville Court 
 Clerk Maggie Weeks and Judge Maurice Flynn.

This is very important to me as Adam Knight has violated the rules of the council, 
my civil rights, and citizens are frustrated as there doesn’t seem to 
be an appropriate venue to call out councilors and school committee members 
who ignore and violate their own rules.

The complaint on violent, harassing Adam Knight follows.





1)On or about December 7, 2021, Mr. Adam Knight VIOLATED 
the Rules of the Medford City Council to engage in “elder bashing.”

Mr. Knight has hideously abused my rights as a petitioner, as well as the rights of others 
(heckling the Director of Public Health on or about June 1, 2021 at the council, two months to the day after he smashed the Bank of America door resulting in a criminal complaint of “wanton destruction” by the Medford Police Department.  Knight spoke to the Medford Transcript and was highly deceptive 
about the gravity of his wrongful conduct.

Knight had previously engaged with a Matthew Page Lieberman, 
a board member of the now defunct Medford Community Cablevision, Inc, 
who had physically attacked me at City Hall on or about April of 2010.  
It was front page news in the Medford Transcript.  
The police determined I was the sole victim.

I have petitioned to speak to the Medford City Council on Tuesday, Jan 4, 2022, 
but know from past experience that the councilors violate their oath of office 
to censor and mock petitioners.

The speech I wanted to give the public was about the allegation that 
the Medford City Council is about to launch an unwarranted pay hike. 

Indeed, when Knight joined the city council around 2014 or so, 
one of his first priorities was to raise his own pay when he hadn’t lifted a finger 
to help the community.

2)Did Adam Knight violate any alleged “clerk ordered probation” or anything similar when he:

a)Violated Council Rules

  Rule 13 – conflict of interest

  Both the Council President, Richard F. Caraviello, and Vice President, Knight,
  have a severe conflict of interest when it comes to journalist joe viglione        

   Mr. Caraviello lied to the police for phony “witness intimidation” charges 
and he did not prevail on 1/31/17.  Caraviello began stalking Viglione after Caraviello lost 
and Caraviello has been a nuisance and unfit for duty.

    Viglione is the reporter who broke the story on Adam Knight’s smashing of a bank door. 
In the past Knight has VIOLENTLY REACTED against the senior citizen at Alden Chambers, 
and as mentioned, he has engaged with Matt Page Lieberman, 
another violent stalker who attacked this reporter.

Page 3

Mr. Viglione would prefer that Caraviello and Knight recuse 
themselves from the council when Viglione speaks.

PETITIONS, Hearings, Orders and Resolutions once rejected

Rule 21.

When any petition, hearings, orders or resolutions has been finally rejected or disposed of by the Council or ruled out of order by the Council President

Mr. Knight, as Vice President, had no authority to maliciously call a decent paper 
out of order. Viglione filed legitimately to discuss concern over the councilors' 
outrageous and immoral self-votes on their own pay raises.  
Adam Knight was malicious, out of order himself, and mocking when he denied the voters and taxpayers to hear this legitimate paper about Knight and his colleagues and their wrongful conduct of voting for outrageous pay raises.  The Medford Council is already in an elite position of obtaining more public monies than many city councils in the Commonwealth.

Because Knight was inappropriate regarding my discussion of his unethical pay raise, as evidenced by Knight being out of order and fearful of the public knowing his alleged scheme, Viglione demands the right to bring this subject matter back to the council

Caraviello, the “partner-in-crime” if you will of Adam Knight, utterly failed to preserve decorum.


Rule 9.

The presiding officer shall preserve decorum and order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal by the City Council, regularly seconded; and no other business shall be in order until the question on the appeal from the ruling of the Chair shall be by roll call and shall stand, unless a majority of the votes are to the question of appeal.

B)When Adam Knight abused an elder person.  Did Knight’s egregious act violate his alleged court probation since the matter on 9/24/21 resulted in the case being “continued?”

C)Public Accommodation: Knight and Caraviello violated Viglione’s civil rights when it comes to public accommodation as they were fearful the public may resent their voting for their own pay raise.  Does this violate Knight’s alleged probation?



Page 4

D)Censorship:  Did Knight violate his alleged probation when he violated his oath of office (see Exhibit A, Councilor Oath of Office)

Knight fails to uphold the Constitution every chance he gets.  Heckling at the Director of Health (6/1/21,) abusing the council to give birthday wishes and death notices to the extreme, stomping on the public’s right to hearings on things that actually matter.

E)Viglione submits that Knight is campaigning for office when he discriminates on which person gets an anniversary acknowledgment or a birthday wish or a death notice, even using his bully pulpit while people are grieving in an attempt to secure votes.

The question to the District Attorney, to the court, to the office of the Attorney General is, did Adam Knight’s violation of council rules, abuse of an elder, failure to provide an elder with proper “public accommodations,” Knight’s malicious censorship of a senior, Knight’s violation of the oath of office by failing to uphold the U.S. Constitution and Knight’s using council time to perpetually campaign violate alleged court probation from the Sept 24, 2021 “continued case” where the Medford Police accused Knight of the criminal act of “wanton” destruction, and – according to the police report,” fleeing the scene at a high rate of speed.

F)Were Knight’s children in the speeding vehicle?

G)Did Knight pay restitution to the Bank of America on Mystic Ave.

Viglione is scheduled to speak on this topic (below) at the City Council on January 4.

Along with wanting to know if Knight will be prosecuted for these attacks on a senior citizen and his free speech rights, and if Caraviello and Knight will recuse themselves when I speak, I submit the following to the Mayor of Medford, which is recorded on the upcoming agenda I received this morning:


Public Cori Checks of Government Officials


The Honorable undersigned respectfully request that 


a)…with the unusual amount of police reports on elected officials in 2021 as well as a felony record and incarceration, a continued case on wanton destruction,  a false criminal case filed by a city councilor, as well as Medford having over thirty officers on D.A. Marian Ryan's notorious "Brady/Giglio/Disclosure" list


that a public CORI check of each and every city official, elected or appointed, be posted prominently on the city website for public safety


b)…as the Medford Housing Authority lost yet another appeal on a significant case they lost both at the Civil Service Commission and Superior Court, the undersigned would like to discuss this case of great public interest  

Page 5

These matters are of great public interest.

I may file public records requests with the offices of the District Attorney, Attorney General, Medford Police Department and Medford City Hall if I do not get an appropriate response to this outrageous fracturing of the First Amendment by Knight, Caraviello and other rogue councilors who do not respect the paycheck or the rights of ordinary people.

Exhibit A is enclosed




Joseph A. Viglione