Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Argument with a different "Joseph"




So long, Democrats! Here come the lay-offs.
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Tesla to cut salaried workforce by 10% over next 3 months, says Musk reut.rs/3bgAeWp

Joseph, around 11:24 am 21 minutes ago

Replying to  Joe V
You seem to be a typical, liberal Democrat, who is so impressed with his own "superiority" that he believes that he should not only run his own life but everyone else's life as well. Watch 2000 mules if you do not believe that the election was stolen. While the film does not provide hard evidence it does show "probable cause" why the election should be investigated by a fair and impartial independent prosecutor. How hundreds of thousands of mail in votes were compromised by allowing mules to deposit them in drop boxes in the middle of the night - how "probable cause" of voter fraud was left uninvestigated by the FBI and ignored by the mainstream media. How FBI agitators encouraged people to enter the capital on January 6. How the only death on January 6 was of an unarmed woman shot by the Capitol police.  Given your previous posts and your obviously closed mind it seems obvious that you cannot even consider that you may be wrong about the outcome of the 2020 election. As stated in an old proverb "there's none so blind as those who will not see". More than the foregoing, I cannot offer.

Replying to Joseph  Joe V:
Referencing 2000 Mules (use a cap; it's the name of a film,) is like giving credibility to the Keystone Cops. You would lose in ANY court of law taking that route. We Americans need to be able to communicate. Those yelling fire in a crowded theater, as you and Republicans are doing, have no First Amendment right. Thus, there is no logical or cohesive conversation. I am not a lawyer, however I have fought and won civil rights cases in courts in Massachusetts and at city council meetings. I would take your article up, "Joseph," (my name too) in front of a judge, jury, city council, school committee, and I would win. I use facts, public records requests, Open Meeting Law violations as my tools, and they are powerful, which is why I get results. So, please, stop yelling fire in a crowded theater. The public gets it, and 60 percent of Americans, according to a new poll, want Trump prosecuted.