Thursday, June 9, 2022

Boston Globe: Deveney's Shameful Ignorance Hiding Her Racism

 This is serious, people.

As I'm re-posting my Ray Charles reviews on Rock and Roll Central, and listening to the Ray Charles Singers (a different Ray Charles, there were two famous guys with the same name)  the Boston Globe again brings up the Deanna Deveney fiasco.

This is serious, people.

The former Medford City Hall employee, an attorney, as are Neil Osborne and Mayor Lungo-Koehn, is quoted saying this in the
Boston Globe:

In her resignation letter, also obtained by a public records request, Deveney requested compensation for three vacation days she had to work “due to unexpected City issues,” as well as the complete payout of her vacation, sick, and personal days, and continued health benefits through Nov. 1. Her letter suggests she is still technically on leave. The mayor’s chief of staff did not respond to a request for clarification.

Deveney also requested indemnification for any legal action taken against her as a city employee and asked the city to refrain from disparaging her and not disclose the circumstances of her resignation.

Stephanie Ebbert can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @StephanieEbbert.

which brings us to Neil Osborne, one of the most hideous frauds in Medford City Hall.  Why hasn't Osborne spoken up against his former colleague, Deveney?   It is SHAMEFUL.   Osborne was too busy promoting Muccini-Burke's campaign against Breanna Lungo-Koehn,
this writer believes on COMPANY TIME.   Allegedly got that campaign idea from Adam Knight, allegedly. 

Osborne is hardly a hero.  He made his OWN response to my complaint on him, and he's an attorney? 

I advised Neil an hour before a disability meeting that I would be taping Facebook live when Medford didn't have cameras (why so secretive?)  Rachel Tannenhouse, who served on a radio board with me and should have known better,  with Neil in the room, refused to let me videotape. Shameless Solicitor Rumley wasn't in his office (no surprise) next door, so it was prudent to leave and file an Open Meeting Law violation, which I did, and which was upheld.  I prevailed.

Time for Breanna to take off those rose colored glasses and get someone with a passion for the job.  Let Neil take his old colleague
Deanna Deveney to Jenny Craig or something that will be useful to both of obesity joke, oh my God.  Sue me.  Can't wait.

He currently serves as Medford's Director of Diversity and Inclusion. In this position, he actively participates in multiple steering and advisory committees, including Medford Conversations, the Medford Housing Taskforce, and the Melrose Wakefield Health Care Community Benefits Advisory Committee.
Contact: Neil Osborne, Acting Director of Human Resources / Diversity Director. Address: Medford City Hall 85 George P. Hassett Drive Room 214
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Joe Viglione  
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn MA 01888