Monday, June 20, 2022

POLICE SCANDAL: In Stoughton, latest police scandal adds to long history of trouble / They Got NOTHING on Brady-Infested Medford Police Department, Mr. Casey

 As bad as the Stoughton Police are, they have NOTHING on the Medford Police Department, the most Brady-infested in all of #MiddlesexCounty 

'The worst of small-town governments': In Stoughton, latest police scandal adds to long history of trouble

Over the past two decades, the 60-member Stoughton Police Department has been the epitome of dysfunction, besieged by scandals that have rocked this unassuming bedroom community south of Boston but garnered little attention outside I-495.

Now, the department finds itself once again mired in scandal, this time sparked by the February 2021 death of Sandra Birchmore, a 23-year-old pregnant woman with extensive ties to Stoughton police.

Read the full story.  Now, the department finds itself once again mired in scandal, this time sparked by the February 2021 death of Sandra Birchmore, a 23-year-old pregnant woman with extensive ties to Stoughton police.

Sandra Birchmore
Sandra BirchmoreFamily photo

Three of Birchmore’s friends have told the Globe that Stoughton police officer Matthew Farwell began having sex with Birchmore when she was 15 and part of a police youth explorers program. If true, those actions would be statutory rape; the age of consent is 16. Farwell, 36, has denied breaking the law.

More recently, Birchmore told friends she was pregnant with Farwell’s child, though records show Farwell, who is married with children, told investigators he was not the father.