Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Steve the Stalker was Reported to Marian Ryan's Office on Oct 25, 2019. Now that we Have his Phone #, the Prosecution Can Build Its Case


Steve the Stalker is GOING DOWN, and Justice will Prevail.  Will the dirty rat take down the entire Medford Police with him?

   Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 2:38 PM

Marian Ryan
Office of the Middlesex District Attorney
15 Commonwealth Avenue
Woburn, MA 01801
Main Phone: (781) 897-830

To: D.A. Marian Ryan,

Last night at 9:39 pm I received a voice mail from a stalker. 
The stalker has harassed me for the better part of a year.

Here is the content of that threat:
9:39 pm "Joey...I heard there's a bounty on your head..
.the first cop that grabs ya...he's looking for ya buddddddyyyyyyyyyyyy" followed by feigned laughter.

This is an intimidation tactic as on Thursday, October 24, 2019 the Secretary of State's office
 made a determination to compel Medford City Hall to provide the documents concerning the 26 or 27
 police officers disciplined for alleged "police misconduct," 
as noted on the weekly Medford Transcript.  
My public records request was filed on or about September 26, 2019.

Now if the police have already been disciplined, a second investigation by your office 
would be for a separate matter entirely.

a)City Hall never provided information that they wanted any "investigatory exemption" - a
nd there's a good reason that they did not include that in their response, 
and failed to add that during the time allowed after both parties received 
an e mail requesting additional information on October 10th. 
 I supplied additional information, Medford city hall's law office did not.

b)All I've asked for is the document containing the names of the officers 
who have already been disciplined.  If the police department has disciplined them, 
the public has a great interest in who these officers are.  It's a done deal, disciplined and - 
according to Medford's solicitor, Mark E. Rumley, the fines or monies have been paid. 
See attachment. Page 2 of Mark E. Rumley's letter to Supervisor of Records Lori Sullivan 
dated October 24, 2019 - final paragraph "The discipline imposed..."

Since the discipline has already been imposed, and your alleged investigation
is separate, the public's great interest in something Rumley admits has already been
 determined carries great weight.  
The public's right to know should NOT be impeded by one or five or 
one hundred additional investigations.  
It is absurd and is typical of Mark Rumley's boy-who-cried-wolf tactics.

Rumley's boy-who-cried-wolf activities beyond this case include
 Rumley investigating his own board of directors at Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.   
Rather than explain to the public the math that was published in the weekly Medford Transcript, 
Rumley - purportedly seeing his credibility shredded
 having been on the board of directors that failed to account to the public how public money was spent, 
or not spent, threw the hot potato 
to the AG's Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities Division which has approximately 
23,000 charities to oversee.  Easy to get lost in that shuffle.

I believe Mr. Rumley ascertained that his investigation included aspects of the MCC TV3 case that the AG's office was not involved in.
Hard to follow Mr. Rumley's intentional lack of clarity.  As you know, Ms. Ryan, there's no transparency in the Muccini-Burke administration, and Rumley - dating back to the lengthy McGlynn era, is just more subterfuge and distraction.

I submit that the threat I received is because - clearly - this investigative reporter has struck a nerve.

I submit that the conflicts of Mark E. Rumley are so obvious that he is using your office as yet another boy-who-cried-wolf distraction.

Rumley doesn't care about the public's safety and certainly not the public's right to know.  Rumley just follows his marching orders at a critical phase of an election, when Rep Paul Donato has declared publicly that this is "The most protected right."

So the "protected right" Rep Donato yells from the rooftops about (Donato was indignant that a TV program featuring Mayor Burke when she was a city councilor, was censored.  Donato met with me to put my innocent and informative show on the air, but didn't do any follow-through.)  You see, it's all about the needs of a Rumley or a Donato - not about the citizens they are supposed to serve, the citizens who pay them handsomely.

So - what will your office do about a reporter being threatened?

Let's look at our past history, Ms. Ryan

Some background:
Gerry Leone set up a meeting for me with Doug Nagengast prior to Mr. Leone leaving the D.A.'s office.

Your office refused to investigate Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit that Medford City Solicitor Mark Rumley was appointed to the board of.  I have written many public records requests to the office of the Attorney General's public charities division to obtain information of great public interest: what happened to the cable TV ratepayer funds.

During election 2015 I was harassed by a different stalker, a Julie T. Kelleher on or about June 12 and 13, 2015.  I obtained a one year
Harassment Protection Order against Ms. Kelleher.

When I asked ex Medford Police Chief Sacco on October 17, 2017 why he didn't help me with Kelleher's stalking activities Mr. Sacco, indignant that I spoke to the city council (and citizens viewing) about the Channel 5 report on Sacco's MBTA cop son pulled over for alleged drunk driving and getting no field sobriety test or breathalyzer -
Mr. Sacco threatened me with "the police service you deserve."

On or about June 16, 2015 I was violently attacked, physically and verbally, by 
 social media person for Mayor Burke's opponent in the 2015 election made me a target.  You're the D.A.  You can do the easy math on that one.

On or about December 1 0r 3, 2015 I received word that the mayor's husband, vulgar Brian Burke, clerk of courts, who used profanity on me at the Chevalier Theater when I was making a back-up tape of the debate, was not going to be reprimanded for violating the canon of ethics.  Honesty in government?

On or about December 3, 2015 I filed a records request on a teacher having sex with a powerful politician's daughter; I believe that powerful politician is a good friend of yours.   In fact, I believe I saw you and Michael Sullivan at Alden Chambers for some ceremony around that time. 

On or about December 8th 2015 the Medford police under Detective Mackowski and Paul Covino decided to retaliate against me for filing the public records request.   The case against Finn that I dropped they now resurrected (????)  They made a false claim that I intimidated a witness.  It cost me thousands of dollars but I defeated your office and the police for this retaliation and revenge tactic.

Shame on you and them.

I defeated your office and the Medford police, lo and behold, the same month that ex-Chief Sacco's son was pulled over for alleged drunk driving. We file that under: Karma.

On September 1, 2016 I obtained an additional 3 years of protection against Ms. Kelleher via a determination by Judge Yee

a)Judge Yee removed Mark E. Rumley from the witness stand for "irrelevant" testimony.  Mr. Rumley had no knowledge pertinent to the case.  Rumley was up there throwing proverbial rocks at me.  How unprofessional.

b)Rumley then congregated with Harvey Alberg and Arthur Deluca, the cronies on his board of directors that Rumley was supposed to be investigating.   Why didn't Rumley just leave and go back to work with taxpayers funding him? That's a good question

c)Frank Pilleri, self-appointed president of MCC TV3 (he used names of ex board members claiming he had a current board to make himself president, allegedly) stomped on my foot in the courtroom.   Violence against a reporter again.
So, District Attorney Ryan.  Rather than help me with TV3, your office harassed me, attempted to humiliate me with a disgusting press release from your office in the Medford Transcript.  Your ADA Raquel Frisadi was relentless in her attacks, taking information out of context because she had no case, and why am I writing to you when your office - clearly - is an accomplice to city hall in wrongful conduct against citizens?

I'm writing to get this on the public record.

Mr. Rumley's "reconsideration" letter cites you, a woman who had it in for me, as a reason why the public should be denied documents that Rumley admits concern matters that have already been concluded in regards to discipline.  Since those matters have been concluded, the public has a right to know the names of the officers involved.   Hundreds of "investigations" can start up on this matter, just look at the lunacy from AG Barr in regards to investigating investigators.  

So your office could open up a number of phony investigations for Mr. Rumley, just like he threw his investigation of TV3 over to the AG's office to stop the public from getting information that the public has great interest in.

I've been threatened.  Your office, rather than help a victim, filed false charges on a victim of a violent crime.

Maybe you hate elders, Ms. Ryan, as I am 65.  Maybe you hate homosexuals, or maybe, the most likely scenario, you'd rather waste taxpayer monies not doing your job but harassing innocent people just for fun.

I was threatened last night.   What charge are you going to file on the victim this time?  Retaining a threat on his cellphone?

Good one. 

The Medford Police don't like my investigation.  I've been threatened.  Do the math.

Check the phone calls coming from police officer phones for me.

Thank you.

Joe Viglione  

P.O. Box 2392

Woburn MA 01888

Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 2:38 PM
Marian Ryan
Office of the Middlesex District Attorney
15 Commonwealth Avenue
Woburn, MA 01801
Main Phone: (781) 897-830

To: D.A. Marian Ryan,

Last night at 9:39 pm I received a voice mail from a stalker. The stalker has harassed me for the better part of a year.

Here is the content of that threat:
9:39 pm "Joey...I heard there's a bounty on your head...the first cop that grabs ya...he's looking for ya buddddddyyyyyyyyyyyy" followed by feigned laughter.

This is an intimidation tactic as on Thursday, October 24, 2019 the Secretary of State's office made a determination to compel Medford City Hall to provide the documents concerning the 26 or 27 police officers disciplined for alleged "police misconduct," as noted on the weekly Medford Transcript.  My public records request was filed on or about September 26, 2019.

Now if the police have already been disciplined, a second investigation by your office would be for a separate matter entirely.

a)City Hall never provided information that they wanted any "investigatory exemption" - and there's a good reason that they did not include that in their response, and failed to add that during the time allowed after both parties received an e mail requesting additional information on October 10th.  I supplied additional information, Medford city hall's law office did not.

b)All I've asked for is the document containing the names of the officers who have already been disciplined.  If the police department has disciplined them, the public has a great interest in who these officers are.  It's a done deal, disciplined and - according to Medford's solicitor, Mark E. Rumley, the fines or monies have been paid.  See attachment. Page 2 of Mark E. Rumley's letter to Supervisor of Records Lori Sullivan dated October 24, 2019 - final paragraph "The discipline imposed..."

Since the discipline has already been imposed, and your alleged investigation is separate, the public's great interest in something Rumley admits has already been determined carries great weight.  The public's right to know should NOT be impeded by one or five or one hundred additional investigations.  It is absurd and is typical of Mark Rumley's boy-who-cried-wolf tactics.

Rumley's boy-who-cried-wolf activities beyond this case include Rumley investigating his own board of directors at Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.   Rather than explain to the public the math that was published in the weekly Medford Transcript, Rumley - purportedly seeing his credibility shredded having been on the board of directors that failed to account to the public how public money was spent, or not spent, threw the hot potato to the AG's Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities Division which has approximately 23,000 charities to oversee.  Easy to get lost in that shuffle.

I believe Mr. Rumley ascertained that his investigation included aspects of the MCC TV3 case that the AG's office was not involved in.
Hard to follow Mr. Rumley's intentional lack of clarity.  As you know, Ms. Ryan, there's no transparency in the Muccini-Burke administration, and Rumley - dating back to the lengthy McGlynn era, is just more subterfuge and distraction.

I submit that the threat I received is because - clearly - this investigative reporter has struck a nerve.

I submit that the conflicts of Mark E. Rumley are so obvious that he is using your office as yet another boy-who-cried-wolf distraction.

Rumley doesn't care about the public's safety and certainly not the public's right to know.  Rumley just follows his marching orders at a critical phase of an election, when Rep Paul Donato has declared publicly that this is "The most protected right."

So the "protected right" Rep Donato yells from the rooftops about (Donato was indignant that a TV program featuring Mayor Burke when she was a city councilor, was censored.  Donato met with me to put my innocent and informative show on the air, but didn't do any follow-through.)  You see, it's all about the needs of a Rumley or a Donato - not about the citizens they are supposed to serve, the citizens who pay them handsomely.

So - what will your office do about a reporter being threatened?

Let's look at our past history, Ms. Ryan

Some background:
Gerry Leone set up a meeting for me with Doug Nagengast prior to Mr. Leone leaving the D.A.'s office.

Your office refused to investigate Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit that Medford City Solicitor Mark Rumley was appointed to the board of.  I have written many public records requests to the office of the Attorney General's public charities division to obtain information of great public interest: what happened to the cable TV ratepayer funds.

During election 2015 I was harassed by a different stalker, a Julie T. Kelleher on or about June 12 and 13, 2015.  I obtained a one year
Harassment Protection Order against Ms. Kelleher.

When I asked ex Medford Police Chief Sacco on October 17, 2017 why he didn't help me with Kelleher's stalking activities Mr. Sacco, indignant that I spoke to the city council (and citizens viewing) about the Channel 5 report on Sacco's MBTA cop son pulled over for alleged drunk driving and getting no field sobriety test or breathalyzer - Mr. Sacco threatened me with "the police service you deserve."

On or about June 16, 2015 I was violently attacked, physically and verbally, by city clerk Edward P. Finn.  Now either I'm the unluckiest guy in the world, or being stalked on June 12 and 13, attacked on June 16th and being social media person for Mayor Burke's opponent in the 2015 election made me a target.  You're the D.A.  You can do the easy math on that one.

On or about December 1 0r 3, 2015 I received word that the mayor's husband, vulgar Brian Burke, clerk of courts, who used profanity on me at the Chevalier Theater when I was making a back-up tape of the debate, was not going to be reprimanded for violating the canon of ethics.  Honesty in government?

On or about December 3, 2015 I filed a records request on a teacher having sex with a powerful politician's daughter; I believe that powerful politician is a good friend of yours.   In fact, I believe I saw you and Michael Sullivan at Alden Chambers for some ceremony around that time. 

On or about December 8th 2015 the Medford police under Detective Mackowski and Paul Covino decided to retaliate against me for filing the public records request.   The case against Finn that I dropped they now resurrected (????)  They made a false claim that I intimidated a witness.  It cost me thousands of dollars but I defeated your office and the police for this retaliation and revenge tactic.

Shame on you and them.

I defeated your office and the Medford police, lo and behold, the same month that ex-Chief Sacco's son was pulled over for alleged drunk driving. We file that under: Karma.

On September 1, 2016 I obtained an additional 3 years of protection against Ms. Kelleher via a determination by Judge Yee

a)Judge Yee removed Mark E. Rumley from the witness stand for "irrelevant" testimony.  Mr. Rumley had no knowledge pertinent to the case.  Rumley was up there throwing proverbial rocks at me.  How unprofessional.

b)Rumley then congregated with Harvey Alberg and Arthur Deluca, the cronies on his board of directors that Rumley was supposed to be investigating.   Why didn't Rumley just leave and go back to work with taxpayers funding him? That's a good question

c)Frank Pilleri, self-appointed president of MCC TV3 (he used names of ex board members claiming he had a current board to make himself president, allegedly) stomped on my foot in the courtroom.   Violence against a reporter again.
So, District Attorney Ryan.  Rather than help me with TV3, your office harassed me, attempted to humiliate me with a disgusting press release from your office in the Medford Transcript.  Your ADA Raquel Frisadi was relentless in her attacks, taking information out of context because she had no case, and why am I writing to you when your office - clearly - is an accomplice to city hall in wrongful conduct against citizens?

I'm writing to get this on the public record.

Mr. Rumley's "reconsideration" letter cites you, a woman who had it in for me, as a reason why the public should be denied documents that Rumley admits concern matters that have already been concluded in regards to discipline.  Since those matters have been concluded, the public has a right to know the names of the officers involved.   Hundreds of "investigations" can start up on this matter, just look at the lunacy from AG Barr in regards to investigating investigators.  

So your office could open up a number of phony investigations for Mr. Rumley, just like he threw his investigation of TV3 over to the AG's office to stop the public from getting information that the public has great interest in.

I've been threatened.  Your office, rather than help a victim, filed false charges on a victim of a violent crime.

Maybe you hate elders, Ms. Ryan, as I am 65.  Maybe you hate homosexuals, or maybe, the most likely scenario, you'd rather waste taxpayer monies not doing your job but harassing innocent people just for fun.

I was threatened last night.   What charge are you going to file on the victim this time?  Retaining a threat on his cellphone?

Good one. 

The Medford Police don't like my investigation.  I've been threatened.  Do the math.

Check the phone calls coming from police officer phones for me.

Thank you.

Joe Viglione  

P.O. Box 2392

Woburn MA 01888