Friday, March 31, 2023

Caraviello to share a cell with Donald Trump on Riker's Island, two Fat Old Crooks

Wretched Ricard F. Caraviello to share a cell with Donald Trump on Riker's Island, two Fat Old Crooks

Remove Demented Old Bat Dan Rea

 Studio Line: 617-254-1030Traffic Tipline: 617-701-1030Business Line: 781-663-2500Newsroom Line: 617-787-7250Advertise With Us: 1-844-AD-HELP-5Dear iHeart Media:Isn't it time to plug the plug on the demented old bat Dan Rea with his "dangerous precedent."   The Dan Rea show is boring, tired, old and feeble. But in Attorney Rae's unbalanced opinion, criminal Trump should escape justice.  I turned the radio off.  ...

Subcommittee on Ordinances and Rules Meeting, April 4, 2023

 Fri, Mar 31 at 10:38 AMI have attached the agenda for the April 4, 2023 Medford City Council Subcommittee on Ordinances and Rules Meeting. Join Zoom Meeting ID: 856 9001 1947One tap mobile+13052241968,,85690011947# US+13092053325,,85690011947# USDial by your location        +1 305 224...

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Medford Accepting Applications For Next Poet Laureate The City is currently seeking applicants to serve two-year term(s) beginning July 2023

 Mon, Mar 27 at 2:18 PMFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 27, 2023Contact: Steve Smirti, Director of Communications (, 781-885-4296  Medford Accepting Applications For Next Poet Laureate The City is currently seeking applicants to serve two-year term(s) beginningJuly 2023 Poet Laureate will receive an honorarium each year, will...

Russian Version of Caraviello: Lisitsky was “liquidated” as retribution for the 2014 ‘Ilovaisk cauldron’ massacre in the Donetsk region,

fat, STUPID, UGLY AND A KILLER, THE KARAVIELLO OF RUSSIA IS NO MORE!!!  Yuri Butusov, who was the first to report the news to the Western world, claimed that Lisitsky was “liquidated” as retribution for the 2014 ‘Ilovaisk cauldron’ massacre in the Donetsk region, where more than 350 Ukrainian servicemen were killed after pro-Russian troops mowed down retreating Ukrainians...

Did Caraviello, Bears and Scarpelli Force 18 year old off of Plane? Fox News Man kicked off flight for being 'fatphobic' and rude, yet he had nowhere to sit

 Man kicked off flight for being 'fatphobic' and rude, yet he had nowhere to sit Reddit writer went on, "I then added on how this airline wasn’t absolutely terrible just a few years ago (it wasn’t just this incident; they just went downhill in quality)."The Reddit writer further noted, "These comments...