Sunday, March 12, 2023

Where is Bad Actor Michael Marks, ex Medford City Councilor?

 bad actor noun [ C ] uk / ˌbæd ˈæk.tə r/ us / ˌbæd ˈæk.tɚ / a person or organization responsible for actions that are harmful, illegal, or morally wrong:


"My friends, this is not goodbye…it is 'until we meet again,'" Marks said.

Public Figures and Politicians: The names Paul A. Camuso, Michael Marks, Fred Dello Russo, Jr., Stephanie Muccini-Burke, Robert A. Maiocco, Jr., Neil Osborne, Isaac Bruce Bears III (Zac Bears,) Nicole Morell, George Scarpelli, Adam Knight, Justin Tseng, Kit Collins, Richard F. Caraviello (the city councilor's dishonesty cost him in criminal court: he lost,) should all mean something to you. They are why your taxes go up, they take your money without giving public service, and you can only build a better Medford when you get a clue and scrutinize why Paul Comeau Jr. - convicted felon from New Hampshire - changed his name and got on your school committee (Paul Ruseau,) Jenny Graham, Melanie McLaughlin, former Chief of Staff David Rodrigues under Lungo-Koehn, police chief Sacco (retired,) Chief Buckley, 33 or so cops on the dreaded and bad Brady list, Deanna Deveney ousted from Everett City Hall on allegations of racism - she worked at Medford City Hall before Everett, Adam Knight and Zac Bears in 2021 police reports, Bob Maiocco with his Wells Fargo problems. Who appointed untrustworthy Maiocco to the retirement board, Breanna? Really? The manager of Stop and Shop Wellington told me he gave Maiocco a gift card after Maiocco returned to the store to pay his bill that he forgot to pay when he walked out of the store. Wow. Have you tried that neat trick yet? Not an allegation as I spoke with and interviewed the manager at Wellington. Try that one out, people, walk out of the store with your groceries, come back some time later and get a 25 dollar gift card for your "honesty." Yep, old Bobby caught someone leaving the store without paying: he caught himself and got the reward. You want to make Medford better? Remove all the bad actors. Now.

   Ex Councilor Michael Marks is no one's friend, and he committed a felony after ex city clerk Ed Finn violently slugged me.  I will never forgive Marks for his crime, and neither should you.

    The citizens tend to forget the sins they've witnessed in public: Allegedly Marks was on the side of public nuisance Paul A. Camuso and the useless parasite Freddy Dello Russo, Jr. Jr. ....birds of a feather often frock (and flock) together.   The citizens are so stupid they fail to tell them to go frock themselves or frock off.

   Donald Trump understood how dumb voters can be and pulled the wool over the eyes of a minority to squeak in (with Russia's help, and that of James Comey) to a presidency Trump did not earn.  He just played to the stupid and his risk worked out.   Not for the country, just for his corrupt family, just like Michael Marks got more than 20 years of your money for being a)the circus barker, b)on both sides of the fence, c)totally dishonest.


   You see the lying, thieving and corruption in Medford is systemic.   



1. relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part: 


 Now I am not calling the Medford PCE (political criminal element) "racists," just  utilizing systemic racism so that you see how deep down the rabbit hole the corruption goes.

To understand Marks' crimes and those of his colleagues think of "systemic racism" as your guide: 


  • 1. discrimination or unequal treatment on the basis of membership in a particular ethnic group (typically one that is a minority or marginalized), arising from systems, structures, or expectations that have become established within society or an institution: "a thousand protestors marched through the city, calling for justice and an end to systemic racism"


Again, to describe to voters the systemic corruption I choose the example of systemic racism.  These jokers are not racist, in fact, I only have evidence of one racist in Medford, Attorney Neil Osborne.  The wolf in the hen house. 

     Michael Marks committing "witness intimidation" when a senior was slugged by his city clerk, Mark was 2 feet away from me and the coward failed to write a police report (more like, the corrupt crooked police force shielded the dirty plastered ---exchange the pl for a b, please) but Marks' dirty hands go way beyond that.

    This writer has evidence that Marks purchased political commercials from a staffer and/or board member of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., so while other politicians got hammered by the snakes, Marks and Camuso and Dello Russo, the terrible three at the time, got away with their malfeasance free.  For payment due to a 501c3 that was shut down courtesy of yours truly.


 This is just part 1 of a series to the citizens who have no real free speech or access tv; citizens subservient to the jerks required to be of service to the population.  Crooked Medford, all cities and towns have issues, but due to the McGlynn dynasty, Medford was set up decades ago to be the worst.  And it is.   More to come.