Monday, March 13, 2023

Mayor/Attorney Lungo Koehn Allergy to Public Records Requests? What the Hell with KP Law Handling Medford Legal Matters??????


Is Breanna Lungo Koehn the next dreaded Ron DeSantis? File a public records request and deal with KP Law? Some Boston law office instead of Medford's Solicitor's Office? Oh, that's right, no solicitor, no assistant solicitor, one person working the office....what is Lungo Koehn up to? "some of the nation's strongest meetings and records laws. 
Note: This is a foreign KPLaw company probably not affiliated with Boston's ...but I like the color scheme....and all attorneys

Although years of rollbacks have gradually clouded the impact, advocates are ringing alarms that this year presents the greatest threat to transparency yet in the state that coined the name “Sunshine Law” for its open-government rules.
Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, weighing a presidential bid, is pursuing a home-state agenda that could make it harder for people to learn what public officials are doing or to speak out against them. In an unprecedented move for the Sunshine State, DeSantis has claimed an executive right to keep key government records secret. He's also seeking to weaken a nearly 60-year-old national legal precedent protecting journalists and others who publish critical comments about public figures.
Florida's Republican-led Legislature appears eager to carry out his vision. As their annual session began last week, lawmakers filed dozens of bills that would add to the state's lengthy list of open-government exceptions.