Saturday, March 11, 2023

Drug Dealer Gave Cocaine to Exotic Cat....

 Cocaine  Hippos, Cocaine Cat, my God what is wrong with people???

An African serval cat that was found with cocaine in its system after an escape at a traffic stop now calls the Cincinnati Zoo home, much to the delight of social media users still amused by the recent release of the movie “Cocaine Bear.”

The wild cat's story has trended online, where users relished in the absurdity of the horror comedy, which riffs off the true story of a 175-pound black bear that was found dead near a duffle bag and some $2 million worth of cocaine. Social media users have predictably dubbed the serval “cocaine cat.”

Mixed writes:

There are so many people making "cute" comments about this story. Sadly, this shows exactly how debased our society has become. There is nothing funny about drug use by humans, the illegal capture and captivity of wild animals, the administration of drugs to pets (exotic or not) for "laughs." Is it positive that the animal was recovered and treated? Yes, but animals that live their lives in zoos are also deprived of their natural habitat, social structure, and autonomy and are often subjected to abuse. If the perpetrator is not sentenced to prison, then it is a sad, sad world indeed, and shame on us for allowing this.


Joe V responds

Zoos are actually a safer bet for some creatures, especially if one was holed up with a drug dealer. I know we'd love them to live in the wild, but their biggest predator is man. Balancing their odds, being loved and kept in a zoo, fed and given attention is better than facing cruel poachers. In a perfect world we would dig down into the earth and create more space for animals we want to save and protect, give them a ton of space above the earth and caves where they could run around and have more freedom. We are a totally illogical race that could make this Earth a paradise.