Friday, March 3, 2023

Where is Medford Television after your writer/editor Liberated it?

 I was in a meeting with an Everett city official today and lo and behold at 11:45 am on Channel 3 (3/3/23) was my interview at WinCAM with the late Skip Williamson, famous underground comic book artist.


 oh my God....the public access station is playing an old show of mine in the room adjacent to where I play piano for the seniors! on Friday mornings....  this morning at 11:45 am.

Skip Williamson on Visual Radio


Why does Medford not allow the community to truly use these resources without boundaries?????


A phony CORI check at the high school for your grandma because Breanna Lungo Koehn wants most of the airtime for herself. 


Mystic Valley Elder asked me to play piano for the seniors back in May of 2022, but I was so rusty I needed the summer to practice (sometimes at 2 am, I have the piano 24/7, all of us do.) September 30 2022 they recruited me to perform at coffee hour and it's a great success. 

Unlike the hostile working environment at Medford city hall where a vulgar clerk will beat up an elder, with senior-discriminator Mayor Lungo-Koehn enabling the violent thug, or an Adam Knight on the city council might take his own children on a ride from hell (didn't the mayor's own daughter allegedly get abused at the school??) the access station after Deanna Deveney and Patrick Gordon (both Medford exiles) vanished is welcoming.

 Rick Caraviello and his wife bought me a Coca Cola at Carroll's Restaurant, and then Caraviello censors me (quite illegally) at a city council meeting with childish Nicole Morell and her gang all violating their oath of office to squelch free speech because I was asking about the monies they vote themselves for pay at the expense of the taxpayers. 


Nicole Morell and Zac Bears act like they are on the Havana City Council, as in ..>Havana Cuba. 

George "Santos" Scarpelli allows a sexual assault to happen on his watch in Otis, Massachusetts, front page of the Boston Globe prior to election, so how the hell did he get into office? 

Isn't it interesting that when Medford exiles Pat Gordon and Deanna Deveney were no longer in power that - suddenly - access in Everett is flourishing again? 

But what is Breanna Lungo-Koehn so afraid of? That instead of some rock star on TV Breanna will face anger about the bad parking situation in Medford? 

Taking an oath to uphold the Constitution and failing to do so is beyond Breanna's paygrade, but what the heck, her paygrade comes out of YOUR pocket. 


 Joe Viglione 12:25 pm Friday March 3, 2023