Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Looking Out for the Public Good


LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed legislation making it easier to sue providers of gender-affirming care for children, a move that could effectively reinstate a blocked ban on such care.

Sanders on Monday signed the new law, which won't take effect until this summer. It would allow anyone who received gender-affirming care as a minor to file a malpractice lawsuit against their doctor for up to 15 years after they turn 18. Under current Arkansas law, medical malpractice claims must be filed within two years of an injury.

Shrek has spoken

  • Coming from the people who argues with science that

     there are more than 2 genders

    • her·maph·ro·dite



      1. an organism having both male and female sex organs 

        or other sexual characteristics, 

        either abnormally or (in the case of some organisms)

         as the natural condition.

      • It is a defect, not normal and

         it is extremely rare.

        • Replying to Commenter

          Commenter didn't read it is a "natural condition" 

          in some life, probably the gamete,

          but when it shows up in humans ...

          Battery_powered says it affects 1.5 % of population..

          .that's a lot of people, I'm no math guy but isn't that like

           1,200,000 individuals? God is the creator and

           He never makes a mistake, Ms. Huckabee. 

          If Sarah married Tucker Carlson they'd 

          changer their name to Tuckabee