1,378,827 @ 11:46 pm
Last year at a meeting of the Cable Advisory Committee it is alleged that Councilor Marks said
"Joe Vig Is Right" - or something to that effect
With experience spanning 40 years, my first radio show in 1978, my first access show in 1979 - and a film out worldwide on Rock n Roll Hall of Fame artist Marty Balin of the Jefferson Airplane - well, Ms. Follett-Sumney and Mr. McGoldrick have no clue what access television is REALLY about,
but that's the way Muccini-Burke likes it - just as Mike McGlynn ignored commissions to do his own thing, Mrs. Burke has the same formula
Stephanie Burke and Mark Rumley are abusing the P/E/G Access TV station(s) to benefit Muccini-Burke in the upcoming election.
With only 86 days to November 5, 2019, every City Council, School Committee and Candidate for Mayor need to STAND UP to the BULLYING
by Mark Rumley and Stephanie Burke.
Rep Donato prides himself on being the anti-bully rep. Well, Paul, here's your big chance.
CRICKETS. Donato allegedly stated that Joe Viglione is the best person to run an access station in Medford.
If that's true, Mr. Donato is correct.
1)Rumley's Fraudulent CORI check to SPY on Candidates
2)Phony Cable Advisory Board with board members having little or no experience in P/E/G television
It's one thing for Mayor Burke's 2015 Transition Team to fall apart before your very eyes, and her staff fleeing like passengers in pursuit of a lifeboat off of the Titanic,
Gabrielle Follett Sumney, 1/22/2021
Jack McGoldrick, 1/22/2022Meetings http://www.medfordma.org/boards/
3)Agawam Cable Television Commission
The Commission shall oversee policies regarding the Town's video production studio and equipment, broadcast equipment in all locations, PEG access equipment, programming that airs on local access stations and Town operated online websites.
Joe Viglione has the skill, the knowledge, the experience, the passion and the imagination to make an access TV station amazing for the citizens of Medford.
This is what the cable TV ratepayers DESERVE after millions of our dollars have been wasted over the past two and a half decades or more.
This terrifies the crooked city solicitor and the vulgar mayor, Stephanie Muccini-Burke. It absolutely terrifies them.
So remove the crooked administration voters...
Your election is being tampered with by a city solicitor drunk with power and a clueless, paranoid mayor afraid of access TV, afraid of free speech that she and Mr. Rumley took an oath to uphold, they are disgusting individuals who rip off the citizens and impede freedom of the press.
They are cowards.
When will the citizens have their fill of being harassed and denied their civil rights?
It is un-American what Mr. Rumley does, just like the president of the dissolving 501c3, Medford Community Cablevision.
They are birds of a feather, Mr. Rumley and the board of directors that he participated with - a coven, a cabal who had a goal in mind to DENY the citizens their right to access TV
How does it feel, Mr. Marks, to be censored? Mr. Marks should be fighting for his constituents' right(s) to be on access TV, not glorifying himself.
But that's Medford for you, isn't it?
Breanna Lungo-Koehn needs to make this a BIG issue. And why isn't Breanna Lungo-Koehn on the airwaves of the P/E/G stations?
Joe Viglione