Sunday, September 6, 2020

Q & A session for Mayor Lungo-Koehn

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Sunday September 6, 2020 is ...
250th day of the year. There are then 116 days left in 2020.
36th Sunday of 2020.
Sunday Jan 5 was Inauguration of Mayor Lungo-Koehn
Monday Jan 6 was the first day of business

Fly this around to your friends:

Q: Why is Joe Viglione putting so much energy into helping Medford?

A: What inspired me to put almost a third of my lifetime into this mission was the appalling lack of free speech at the "private" public access TV station - as Joe Fortunato dubbed it and retired Judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson confirmed it.

It was the lack of free speech at the "private" public access TV station that indicated we, together, needed to go to the city council - the only public forum really available, and the local press, and get the word out.

So I did what no one else could do and with two other citizens, I shut TV3 down.

“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
― Plato

I DEMAND to participate in politics, and Medford Information Central dot com is proof that the public will respond if you have the guts and integrity to expose Richard F. Caraviello or Michael Marks or George Scarpelli or Adam Knight or a Paul Camuso or a Freddy Dello Russo, Jr. Jr. (his dad's a junior and he is too, go figure,) or a Robert A. Maiocco for the frauds and charlatans that they are.

Two of the most important rights in America are freedom of the press and the right to vote.  When a con artist like Trump messes with the postal service and your health care, you must speak up.  If your friends drink from the Trump Kool-Aid fountain then fight for their rights too.   The post office!  The First Amendment.  Breanna hasn't said a word about the illegal CORI check on access producers while she entertains a felon on the school committee.   This is why you MUST speak up.
Q: Why is there STILL no access television in Medford?

A: That Mayors McGlynn and Muccini-Burke were allergic to our freedom of the press was the most transparent thing about them.  Look, Ben Brown and his successor, Patrick Gordon, aren't bad people, they just had (and have) zero qualifications for the job.   

Malden TV's George Manfra repeated to me dozens of times "Medford will never have access TV because it wasn't set up right initially."  Now his protege, Mr. Gordon, is confirming Manfra's mantra, shows the problem.  Manfra recognized how bad Medford TV was, yet MATV has participation from a stalker former board member and an individual arrested for stalking E.D. Ron Cox onto the tarmac of Logan Airport.   Basically, you can't go to corrupt stations in Somerville and Winchester for help because tainted non-profit boards and board members, staffers that are out to lunch and think that they own access, are the rule, not the exception.  

I have the facts to back those statements up.  

The AG's office is stuck in neutral investigating Lynn and Medford television stations at this very moment, as they've been doing for the better part of the past seven years.  

The danger of oversight not doing its job allows for abuse of the franchise fee monies and the chilling of free speech.  Squelching speech is something that ex city solicitor Mark Rumley took from his personal cottage industry right to an obsession beyond all obsession.  In total violation of his oath as a lawyer and whatever oath he took as city solicitor.  Rumley fractured his promises and stole free speech and a free press from the citizens of Medford.

Q: They say you can't fight city hall?

A: Well, I'm living proof you can.  Just know that you'll be brutalized by the most untrustworthy police force in all of Middlesex country with about 32 police officers unfit to testify in a court of law, allegedly.

You'll have to fend off punches from a Matthew Page Lieberman, board member of TV3, from a dirty city clerk in Edward P. Finn - who also molested petitions by multiple people when they wanted to speak at the city council, and you have to deal with interference from dishonest Robert A. Maiocco who bullied his way into the presidency of the council with his fellow councilors too lazy to investigate his shenanigans at Wells Fargo and his threatening a citizen with a dirty metal pipe, on camera.  

You'll have to get restraining orders on the juvenile "station manager" that served at the pleasure of the corrupt board of directors (more on that later, with their sleight of hand using past board members to create an invisible quorum that never existed,) a Malden TV board member slapped with two restraining orders by the judge, and Mark Rumley babbling in defense of the stalker until my "objection," a simple objection, got the solicitor-with-unclean-hands thrown off of the witness stand in Somerville court for "irrelevant testimony," according to the judge.

You can fight city hall...but they fight dirty, failing to serve the citizens.

Q: You've offered logical solutions that make sense, why do they fall on deaf ears?

A: Quite simple...operating in the darkness with not a shred of "unity," "integrity," "transparency" or "partners in progress" these local politicians talk the talk but absolutely can't walk the walk.
    The more I write the more efficient the message ...and the good news: 

the public is reading.    

Now the public needs to interact and make positive changes in Medford.

Like some petty crooks taking your 30k a year that they don't deserve, a Zac Bears will demand a plastic banner at city hall instead of looking into water and sewer, the DPW, how efficient or not efficient taxpayer funds are when the wrong people are hired, like that embarrassing Chief of Staff David Rodrigues.  

It is out there, people, and the citizens are smarter than city hall gives them credit for.  

The problem is that Medford residents fear retaliation.  These are not public servants.  

Michael Marx (correct spelling) wouldn't give you a straw hat in a blizzard, yet he takes that thirty thousand dollars a year with no respect for it, no respect for you, a self-serving eloquent snake.  

IF these writings have been spot on, which even
Transcript editor Nell Escobar Coakley had to admit, and if Michael Marx says "Joe Viglione was right" - then heed what I am saying.  

This is hard work to bring you the message, more hard work to stay focused and fight them when they retaliate.

Michael Marks is a very bad man.  

So is Caraviello.  

So is Ed Finn.  

So is Adam Knight.   

Infected Medford City Council IS the poisonous tree and their skewed view of what residents truly need is the fruit of that poisonous tree.  Toxic beyond all toxicity.




Some very, very bad people have infected city government, the poisonous tree bearing poisonous fruit which infects city life.

You have no idea how bad these creeps are.   

But I do.  

So listen, find solutions and fight to remove these bad politicians from taking you for a ride and taking your money and spitting at you as the thanks.

Conclusion of today's sermon

Nothing But Contempt 

City Hall Medford has shown contempt for citizens, businesses and civic groups.  A CORI check for public access television with a convicted felon on the school committee shows the hypocrisy.

Bad men like Michael Marks and Richard F. Caraviello and Adam Knight are in it for themselves.  

Poster boys for term limits.  

Wonder if Caraviello ever CORI checked those limo drivers?  

You simply can't trust Richard Caraviello, nor can you trust George Scarpelli or Zac Bears or Nicole Morell.   

Why are you spending 200k a year on people who have no respect for you or your way of life?  

How can you just dispose of money like that and LET THEM VOTE FOR THEIR OWN PAY RAISES AND LET THEM RAISE YOUR TAXES.


These topics will be explored further in the coming weeks.

We want the access station to be operated by a fair 501c3, not Mark Rumley's dishonest policies and procedures.   

Breanna needs to do some work.  

I like the woman, but her laziness and cowardice thus far make one pause and re-think who should be in the corner office come 2022.

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