Monday, September 7, 2020

Remo Scarfo Drinks the Kool Aid...and Attacks a Friend

Insulting Joe Viglione and insulting Joe Biden is immature and beneath you. But if you're having fun at the expense of a man who videotaped you and posted on YouTube for your attempt at being on a city council, well, do the math

I wrote this to Ray:
Reno. You are a great guy. Be serious. This is the worst alleged president ever. A damn nightmare of massive proportions. If you choose to ignore bounties on the heads of our troops, if you would sacrifice those who keep us safe for a platform and a traitor, if you accept Trump’s backtracking, lies and his own traitorous words caught on camera, then you deserve coming in very last when you ran for office. #Biden is a great man with a war hero son. Trump is a draft dodger. Get real ___________________________
Then one of Remo/Ray's friends posts this:

Ray responds attacking me.  Typical Trump follower
It's not even worth dignifying his insane attacks on Biden and me.  But polarization via Trump is what Donald has instilled into his followers, and it is just plain wrong.

Remo Scarfo Apologies, Ray, you came in 2nd to last City Council (top 7)

Breanna Lungo-Koehn, 5,703*
John Falco, 5,555*
Michael Marks, 4,941*
Adam Knight, 4,797*
Richard Caraviello 4,646*
George Scarpelli, 4,489*
Frederick Dello Russo, Jr. 4,538*
Ann Marie Cugno, 3,673
Natalie Breen, 3,612
Curtis Tuden, 3,269
Cheryl Rodriguez, 2,895
George Sacco, 2,440
Remo Scarfo, 2,053
Robert Cappucci, Jr. 1,784 2017 election, 69 votes ahead of the caboose, Robert Cappucci.                                  

When I was informed "watch the council tonight for something big" - after videotaping you and helping your effort, I was shocked that you would think "Medford won't be a sanctuary city" when you would be one voice on the council, not 7. I knew at that moment you had hurt all your supporters, including me, when we honestly worked to get you elected. A blue city and you are spouting political views rather than things that matter: water and sewer, missing monies at public access, DPW, missing doors, cornerstones...y'know, the things one councilor could initiate to make Medford a better place. Charter review, Charter was self sabotage, Ray. Important to show your judgment when you wanted to participate in politics. You attacking my writing - quoted in the NY Times, in multiple books, published in many international books, typical actions from the cruel school of Donald Trump, smear someone by lying about their credentials. Shame on you, we've been friendly. Attacking Beau Biden's dad the way you do is insincere and wrong.     

 You do nothing to serve Beau's memory when you say you respect Beau endorse a criminal that is losing big time in the polls. The Blue Wave of 2018 is continuing, I'm not worried. I put my name on the schedule to run for mayor, as you know, but a)the censorship in Medford vis-a-vis access TV (there WAS no access TV as I shut them down and they had color bars anyway) and b)Stephanie's massive war chest meant that I could do more publishing my writings than going against the McGlynn machine. The photo in 2019 that showed the then mayor flipping the bird at the firefighters, who then backed Lungo-Koehn, was essential to help get Breanna those 642 votes. I'm certain she would have had a tougher time running without my hard work and honest efforts. So, Ray, what we see on your page today is the very flower of Trump's malfeasance, pitting friends against friends, polarizing the country. Biden/Harris will crush Trump, which is why the desperate crook is screwing with your post office, screwing with your health by denying COVID19, and putting bounties on the heads of our soldiers by not putting Vladmir Putin in a box, but marching lockstep with our biggest threat. If you know anything about the situation Putin is actually doing what's best for a country falling apart, Russia. He's a very dangerous man because Russia hasn't survived the fall of the Soviet Union. That he's a murderer and thug doing the best for his people makes him a better devil than Trump as Trump is creating carnage to benefit his own pocketbook. That you cannot discuss this logically, which this journalist can, speaks volumes. The Trump approach to dialogue can only go so far. Hillary got 3 million more votes and due to an antiquated electoral college, Mitch McConnell's underhanded tactics, Gerrymandering, Russian interference etc, our country is now in the hands of Vladmir Putin. If you want to yell "fake news" and be ignorant of the real facts, well, I'm here to fight for America and help the Blue Wave return bigger, stronger and more powerful. The polls show we have the advantage, and that it is "we" against "you" saddens me as we get along. Politics in America dividing Americans when we need to be united.                                                      

 For Trump to steal it again he must divide America, destroy the post office and kill off citizens via shutting his eyes - intentionally - to a serious pandemic. I've listened to both candidates while you come out of the starting gate hating Democrats and democracy. That's your choice. I listened to Trump lie and heard Biden speak in presidential tones with eight years in the White House. I will take experience over bad showmanship any day of the week. After four years Trump is still an "apprentice," and that you cannot deny. The adults are coming back into the room, in a huge blue wave, and Twitter will be the better for it. I shut down TV3, removed Mayor McGlynn's uncle from an inappropriate place on the housing authority, and have done more for Medford - Ray - all due respect - than you ever will. You ran for office and failed, I exposed Robert A. Maiocco, Paul Camuso and a bunch of other bad actors by the power of my pen. It came at a great price, but as Detective McClean said to me "You Won. You Won. And Medford is the better or for it." And you, Ray? Shooting spitballs at someone who filmed you and supported you. That's exactly what Trump wants, division, and you have bought into it.


To all those who say..."I'd vote for anyone but TRUMP... I can't stand him!!" or "I can't believe you're voting for Trump!" Well folks listen up! This is not a jr. high or high school popularity/personality election!! I'm not just voting for the person, I'm voting for the platform! I'm voting for the second Amendment. I'm voting for the next supreme court justice. I'm voting for the electoral college, and the Republic we live in. I'm voting for the Police, and law and order. I'm voting for the military, and the veterans who fought and died for this Country. I'm voting for the Flag. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion, without being censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for the right to praise my God without fear. I’m voting for EVERY unborn soul. I’m voting for FREEDOM and the American Dream. I’m voting for good and against evil. I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country and our Constitution, which was written based on Biblical values and protects our freedoms under God! What are you voting for?
God Bless the United States of America!!
Copy and paste, I did!!!