Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Dinner at Jeffrey Dahmer's --- About to be Unleashed on the world...

 The band Headlines-X would take notorious stories ripped from the newspapers...

Take THAT Law & Order SVU

We're releasing a TON of new CDs...

Should I?  Would I?  Release HEADLINE'S X????

The song the #1 DJ in town CENSORED WHILE IT WAS ON THE AIR ON 93.7 FM in 1992!


"Do you like my handcuffs/why don't you put them on.

These are pornographic movies, now don't you yawn

Feeling a little strange, well that's my special brew...


Told you we wuz having dinner, didn't tell you that the dinner was you...


Dinner at Jeffrey's

Dinner at Jeffrey's house

Dinner at Jeffrey's 

Dinner will be served at 8

*(C)1988 Headlines X, all rights preserved like Uncle Bob's hairdo.


After the first attack on the World Trade Center the band Headlines-X recorded


We intentionally self-censored as the Twin Tower attack on 9/11 happened  AFTER we wrote the little dance tune, "Party At the World Trade Center."  Our song was about the first WTC attack in the garage, NOT 9/11, but no one hearing it would probably believe it so we pulled it out of circulation.


Then there's the sexually abusive priests


Sporters was a notorious homo bar in Boston...


I met a new boyfriend there after getting out of a relationship.  So I hadn't been in "circulation" and didn't know the decadence.


My BF was talking to the bartender and I go in the backroom.   There was an ORGY going on....YIKES...dark, decadent, like a Velvet Underground song....so I go back to the safety of the bar and said "They're having sex back there" and he says to me "Don't be so naive!"

...and I said "Naive?  I haven't been to this joint in years." (Ahhh, memories, Teddy was lots of fun....married man...my ex girlfriend was so frustrated after dating five homosexuals (she epitomized the term "fag hag") that she started dating married men.  Well, it WAS an improvement, and kept her from hassling me!  Her motto was "No muss, no fuss, throw them back to the wives when you're done."   I said to him "What if your wife finds out about us?"  He said "She'll shoot us both with my shotgun!"...Charming thought...I'm sure he's gone now...his last phone call told me how much he loved me and how I was second in his life to his wife!  Oh, what a wonderful compliment!  HA! Good thing I wasn't a chick and could deal with such stupidity...chicks would take the Amtrak and collude with his wife for punishment... ....we did have fun, though, I will give him that...good looking ex marine ...but he partied hard....I did not...thus, I'm pretty sure he's left the planet....the last phone call from Maine...how nice, I almost meant the world to him....


Of course it's a fancy little restaurant now near the MGH....I have a desire to go in there and see couples in the nice little table and chairs and say to them "Back in 1995, people were having sex in this room on this spot" ....with camera in hand...and then walk out


The songs are brilliant...


"Selling sin is easy"
 E.G. Marshall in Absolute Power