Friday, March 5, 2021

BLK Poetry Corner: New Poem - GEORGE SCARepELLY

 George ScarePELLY

He's waiting by the phone

Breanna Don't Call
The Bigger they are

the harder they fall

George Scarepelly

Bada Boom Bada Bing
George Scarepelly

Don't let your athlete go 

with George to Otis Mass

The young man could find a broomstick

flying up his __________
George Scarepelly

bada bing bada boom

George Scarepelly

One must be concerned

about the council perpetrator

and DON'T let him and Zac Bears

get in THAT elevator

George Scarepelly

It gives new meaning

to the term "get the broom"

He and John Falco

they ought to get a room

George Scarepelly

At the city council

legislation gets stalled

because he and Paul Covino

are as stupid as they're bald

George Scarepelly

He sits near the Madame, a fraudulent pisano

but could be the poor man's Tony Soprano

George Scarepelly

bada boo bada blaaah!