My apologies, readers, but the funky text from Facebook needs a second upload here for my response.
If 58,000 people would open their eyes you wouldn't have these issues. It's like a ghost town when it comes to participation. How many of us were at the city council this past Tuesday? Ten again? Thus "elected officials" do inappropriate things because they often get away with it. I've never smashed a bank door, have you? The apathy in Medford has been the issue for the past two decades or more. We had a "mayor for life" until allegedly some outside forces removed him, but not after he names a school after dear old dad. We thank that former mayor a school was named after for his service in WW2 but did his son put the idea on the ballot so that the public had a chance to give some input? Mr. Penta is often the voice of reason - they don't want to listen to reason on this nutty school committee. Logic dictates that school supplies and decent teachers take priority over a name change. We need you to write more, Bob. We need you on TV. We need to get people motivated. Best thing I can think of is to litigate against the mayor and the Medford school committee. Even though she may not have spearheaded this, or perhaps not even vote against Christopher Columbus, Breanna Lungo-Koehn needs to flex her muscles and take some control. The acting-mayor from Peabody is out of his depth and unable to do anything for the Medford community. Joe Viglione
7:33 pm June 3, 2021
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