Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Residential Shared Streets Program Returning for Summer/Fall 2021 by Jackie Piques


Residential Shared Streets Program Returning for Summer/Fall 2021

by Jackie Piques

Shared Streets programs allow streets in residential areas to be utilized by abutters only, creating traffic calming and opening streets for more walking, biking, etc.

Streets will be chosen based on nomination from residents.

The City of Medford’s residential Shared Streets program is returning for summer/fall 2021, by resident request.

In 2020, in response to COVID-19, the City launched a pilot program on three streets. In 2021, the City has seen excitement for these programs to return and is re-opening applications for street nominations for our residential program.

In order to be selected, the City asks that nominated streets show strong support from people who live on and around the street. The nomination form is available at Due to a limited amount of equipment, we may not be able to accommodate all nominated streets, but will select streets from a variety of neighborhoods to the greatest extent possible. For our Shared Streets program, secondary/side streets will be considered. Main streets will not be considered for this portion of the program. Nominations for round one are open through July 21st.

Shared streets are temporary interventions with cones and signage to give people more space to get around in their neighborhoods car-free and safely. Local traffic, deliveries, and emergency vehicles will still have access to the street, but these interventions look to discourage cut through-traffic and prioritize the safe use of streets for pedestrians and bicyclists. Shared streets are a great way to maintain social distancing and stay safe during COVID-19 and beyond while enjoying the outdoors.

For the initial round of residential Shared Streets in 2021, five streets will be selected. We anticipate opening a subsequent round to support a few more streets should there be enough equipment remaining.

Selected streets are available for all to use even if they don’t live on the street. Streets that are chosen will be given the necessary materials and signage to indicate the designation as a 'Shared Street' but police enforcement will not be present. Instead, we encourage you to utilize neighbor connections to keep everyone informed about changes to your street. Thank you for nominating your street!

In considering residents’ requests, the City plans to rank proposals using criteria including but not limited to:

  1. Streets within “environmental justice areas”
  2. Public streets (vs. private ways)
  3. Streets that have been reported as high-speed zones to the Traffic Commission
  4. Ensure that requests are spread throughout the city and not clustered within a few specific areas
  5. Streets that were not selected for the Residential Shared Streets program in 2020

Medford’s Shared Streets program on residential streets would include signage at the entrance(s) to your street; no permanent or temporary furniture will be added to your street during the pilot program.

If you have any questions about this program please reach out to Anna Cornish in the Office of Planning, Development, and Sustainability at

Medford city services are available to all residents, regardless of economic situation, immigration status, ability, benefit eligibility, or religious affiliation.  

Jackie Piques | July 7, 2021 at 2:46 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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