Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Chief Buckley's Coddling of Mobilize Medford Allegedly Led to the Racists of Medford Page. Chief Buckley Must Be Removed by the Mayor

9:38 pm   98 minutes  178 page views, Read it and Weep, Chief John Buckley!  

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 the bold facts stare you in the face

If anyone thinks the current Medford Chief of Police is going to go after the designer of the hate page when the Chief coddled the attention-seeking teenagers and twenty-somethings, well, think again. Technically, what the creeps did isn't criminal. And we all saw how the criminal application against a sitting vice president of a city council DURING AN ELECTION went with this chief in power. Your Honor, I rest my case against the chief.

...Buckley is alleged to have met with the crazed teens and twenty-somethings of Mobile-LIES Medford at Tufts University

....if you don't drink the Mobilize Medford Kool-Aid they block you, defame you, and have you seen any of them speaking at the city council lately?  I thought not.

...Chief Buckley allows the city council to chill speech if Madame Knight's run-in with a bank door on April Fool's day is mentioned, so you are hanging your hopes on that fool to find the cyber-bullies?

When J.J. McLean lied to me repeatedly, and admitted that he "lies all the time," well that kind of inappropriate behavior was not what the Supreme Court meant when they allowed cops to lie in interrogation.  Otherwise this publication would never have found so many brady/giglio infestations at the Medford Police Dept.  My little revenge for McLean's lies.   

Heck, Arthur Deluca allegedly called me "deadly" when it comes to tangling with me in court...ya think ol' JJ would've taken the hint?"

J.j. should have HIRED ME...but that's water under the bridge and over the dam...or is it DAMN!

Chief Buckley has too much power in a city 5 miles north of one of the most famous cities in the universe.   Red Sox up 3 to zip against the Yanks in the 4th inning, 9:30 pm.  See what I mean?

New York has the melting pot of action 24/7, Boston has the charm.  A very good pairing of major municipalities.

But I digress....the Medford Police only antagonized this hard-working journalist.  And Buckley was bred from the Sacco farm of corruption, lies and stupidity.

Under Sacco the malfeasance at TV3 and the Medford Housing Authority flourished.

Few of us have the guts to take on the bad system.

This magazine is dedicated to exposing the jackasses with humor and public records requests.

The only correct thing mealy-mouthed Deluca ever said ....this journalist is "Deadly."

Sent those objectionable individuals out to pasture right quick, didn't I?  When that was the job of a cowardly police department too afraid to buck a way-too powerful mayor.  Well, shame on them.