Saturday, January 1, 2022

Lungo-Koehn's Brady-Infested Police Force Puts Medford at High Risk

10:04 AM SUNDAY JAN 2, 2021


You, Medford resident, are in the


when an unethical police chief, John Buckley, calls his untrustworthy police force "all good men and women."

Glad Stephen Lebert was forced out kicking and screaming, that pansy....mentally how old was she?  Five?  Seven?

And Miguel Lopez who never saw a murder he didn't want to obstruct!

These the "good men" Jack "Brady" Buckley is praising?

Time to unbuckle Buckley...from the police force.

It's all about their pension, not YOUR safety.

The BUCKley stops here.

Winston Churchill Jack Buckley is NOT!