Friday, June 3, 2022

Deanna Deveney and Stephanie Burke Beware: US Attorney Rachael Rollins opens probe of racism in Everett city government


For some time, complaints about a culture of racist behavior in Everett city government were brushed aside by the city’s old-guard power elite.

Now, they could become the subject of federal prosecution.

US Attorney Rachael Rollins notified Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria this week that she has launched an investigation of possible civil rights violations in city government. The probe comes in the wake of months of well-documented racist comments and behaviors that have roiled the insular city of 49,000.

In her letter to DeMaria announcing the inquiry, Rollins made it clear that she believes the recent resignations in DeMaria’s inner circle are indicative of deeper problems in the city.

“Although your relative on the Everett City Council (Anthony DiPierro) and your Communications Director both resigned abruptly last week, that only occurred after months of outrage and public criticism by increasingly large numbers of your constituents,” Rollins wrote. “Former City Councilor DiPierro recently posted a message on his social media appearing to urge ‘others who participated in this hurtful, insensitive banter to also do what’s right and step down from their position in city government.’ This statement indicates that more members of Everett’s municipal leadership have engaged in this unacceptable, offensive and possibly discriminatory behavior.”

Read the full story.
