Friday, June 10, 2022

Donald Trump: MURDERER, Jan 6 Hearings Show Nasty Republicans That Democrats KNOW ...and the GOP is SCARED, Jimmy Lyons

Fox News is Republican propaganda, plain and simple. Police officers died because of this "insurrection" and Fox News was culpable. Fox makes money off of the lowest common denominator. Tucker Carlson even admits to being an "entertainer," and Fox is some kind of sick entertainment for people who don't live in the real world. Dennis, your rant is what is illogical. These were all facts, videos, testimony from Trump insiders, and you question it because you like the skewed entertainment of "Fox News?" Owned by someone who isn't even a true American. Please re-evaluate. Trump's greed hurts America, and the powerful GOP machine constantly issues nonsense for the sheep that they know are out there to follow.