Monday, June 13, 2022

Interest in Deanna Deveney's Racist Malfeasance IS GROWING, and Stephanie Muccini-Burke Will Not Be Unscathed, Keep Your YMCA Job, Stephanie, or Bag Groceries at Wegman's


This is our Top 20 and it is HUGE and Unexpected. 
*Deanna Deveney's unpopularity is resonating with multiple communities and she's driven the mighty L'Italien Report, our all-time #1 story, down to #10 on the list for the first time in quite awhile (it's dropped off the list only twice since November 2019!) 
*The Deanna Deveney Train Wreck could have repercussions in Medford. Two stories about her shot to #1, while pushing L'Italien Report down WHILE we are re-publishing each page over a sixty-four day period. 
*In newspaper parlance, the Deanna Deveney racism story is growing, not quieting. 
*With the alleged Federal investigation, employers would be crazy to hire those damaged goods. 

The Alleged Fells rapist story never got this kind of attention.  The story is HUGE, and so is the tent Deanna is wearing.  Jenny Craig won't touch Deanna with a ten foot pole!