Friday, June 10, 2022

Jan 6 Hearings Damn Both Republican Jimmy Lyons and Adolph Trump

 Massachusetts Republican Party 

Sieg Heil  /ˌsēɡ ˈhīl/
exclamation   a victory salute used originally by Nazis at political rallies.
400 W Cummings Park Suite 5650, 
Woburn, MA 01801

Sister Yolanda at Arlington Catholic would have Excommunicated Jimmy Lyons
If She Knew of His Insurrection Tendencies

A Report by Joe Viglione

Any American claiming to be a Republican needs to be removed from 
these United States  ...if you happened to watch the Jan 6 Hearing, Part 1.
Abraham Lincoln, and third-rate actor Ronald Raygun must both be 
appalled at what Trumpism has done to this country.  With all the
criminal acts that unfolded at the hearing last night, and Ivanka Trump
giving her daddy a good, swift kick in the midsection.

His own daughter.

How good Catholic boy Jimmy Lyons can run around embracing the death
of police officers who protected us from Trump's Big Lie is what makes one
want to vomit.

Mr. Lyons and his Dandy Lyons flower shop have both gone from killing
innocent Christmas trees to allowing police officers to get murdered for
their loony lord and master, Donald J. Trump.  It's sick and pathetic.

Some of those officers getting murdered in the line of duty, on Trump's order.

Don't give us this nonsense that the GOP backs the police when the GOP allowed
officers in D.C. to be murdered in cold blood.

Like any typical anti-gay hypocrite Republican, Mr. Lyons is unzipping Trump's
fly, on his knees, and pleasuring the hybrid fraud that is a cross between 
Vladmir Putin and Adolph Hitler.  Only Hitler and Putin never sent love letters
to gangster/murderer Kim Jong Un.   

Trump did~
Nero fiddle

Featured snippet from the web

According to a well-known expression, Rome's emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, (a.k.a. Jimmy Lyons) “fiddled while Rome burned.” The expression has a double meaning: Not only did Nero play music while his people suffered, but he was an ineffectual leader in a time of crisis.
Joe Viglione