Saturday, September 21, 2024

Living Rent Free In Some....


His name was Karl, he took me to bed

A G Q model, we were friend for many years

On the table was a knife, he had Nazi Porn on

His hand hit my backside hard, like it was a paddle

I put my clothes back on, I had to skedaddle 

"Joe, please spend the night" in a heavy German accent

I just fled

Now I'm living Rent Free in some Lesbian's Head

They'll never find me here, while she is seeing red

Let the bull rage, by hatred she is fed

I'm living rent free in some lesbian's head  


Some gangster in Medford said it's easy to get a chick

'Cause Joe had all the good-looking guys

Well, 70 is the land of plenty

Just like long ago, my good luck survives


My Top 20 List just keeps on growing

so many friends that are nice to know-ing

He hit on me, and I liked it

I didn't think there was a limit on who I could like

Now I have to run and hide

All the guys I like have to decide

I want to have my cake and eat it too

but they have other ideas


so I'm living rent free in some lesbian's head

they'll never find me here, that's what I said

I turn on the homo porn, it really drives her nuts

I throw wild parties with male hookers and sluts


I'm living rent free in some lesbian's head

if they find me here, I'd be better off dead

Why so jealous, why are you so pissed?
You didn't believe I have a Top 20 List

I have to run and hide in some lesbian's head

Rent Free, Rent Free that's what I said

if they find me and invade, well, she is quite mad

She'll go Vesuvius and I'll be glad (it'll give me time to flee)

Rent Free, Rent free

in some lesbian's



It's one place where you can't get evicted

Her hatred it festers, she is addicted

and when they come, they won't be knocking on her door

they'll just invade like four on the floor

they'll be living inside the crazy lesbian's head

but I'll have to flee

those jealous men will want me dead


should have stayed with the married ones

they can't disagree

and they would never live in some lezbo's head , 

don't you see?

For when they play the homo music

she's back in 


And I'll be free