Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Letter to the Transcript RE: ADAM FALCO

Dear Medford Transcript:

Former "reporter," Miranda Wilson was like a tenth grader learning journalism - more like typing class.
...City Hall speaketh, Miranda typeth.

Now we have Joe Walsh, not of the Eagles/James Gang, not even knowing who the president of the city council is!

Glad my information got you to correct the page.  What next?  Mayor Stephanie Muccini-Trump?  Really!
Walsh's reporting reads like my parodies, and that's sick for $2.00 an issue! 

What do the advertisers think?  Or do they?

As of this writing my is at 1,319,905 page views (1:03 pm, 3-6-19).
In a court of law City Solicitor Rumley stated, under oath - and I'm paraphrasing him,  that "no one" takes the blog seriously (as in reads the news outlet.)

Rumley being Trumpian, again.

I've included the screenshot, fair use copyright as this is of great public interest.

When will the Medford Transcript start REPORTING real news, not phony nonsense defaming a competitor
saying that Caraviello was a witness being intimidated.  
The fat slob towers over people, is a pathological liar,
and is an embarrassment to the community.

Why doesn't the Medford Transcript investigate if a limo company had a sex offender for a driver and if there are pictures of Medford kids going to the prom in a limo being photographed with a sex offender?

Why didn't Nell Escobar Coakley investigate serious claims of a 17 year old allegedly promiscuous daughter of a powerful Medford politician having sex with a teacher / varsity coach?

According to my sources regarding that very popular story (many kids in the high school knew about it, according to my very good sources, plural) was true, and according to another source Nell should know, she allegedly stated that it "wasn't a story."

Really, Nell?  When a candidate running for the office of mayor in 2015 allegedly hushed the story up because in her capacity as a government official she was purportedly also responsible for letting the teacher skate on 6/30/15,
14 days after the city clerk Edward P. Finn violently attacked me; about 8 days after Finn and his wife allegedly told Bob Cappucci that Stephanie would win the election.

And you wonder why I contacted the FBI to tip them off in July that the election would be stolen.  A city clerk, who counts the votes, stated in advance that he knew who would be mayor come November?   He was either Houdini or a violent thug engaged in ripping off the citizens of our community

The Medford Transcript has children as reporters, juveniles who don't even know the name of the second most powerful person in Medford, the City Council President.

You can send me a PayPal at this address for $50.00 for doing your work for you and correcting that egregious error.

Thank you



Joe Viglione  
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn MA 01888