Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Playing with That Rude Charlatan STEPHANIE!

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No difference between Muccini-Burke BLOCKING access to ACCESS TV and
Donald Trump obstructing ATT/Time Warner

Even Kellyanne Conway's hubby is
anti-Trump now!

Attorney George Conway said a new report claiming President Donald Trump tried to squash AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner would “unquestionably” be grounds for impeachment, if true.
Conway, the husband of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, was referring to a New Yorker report that said Trump demanded that Gary Cohn, at the time director of the National Economic Council, ordered the Justice Department to block the merger

“Cohn, a former president of Goldman Sachs, evidently understood that it would be highly improper for a President to use the Justice Department to undermine two of the most powerful companies in the country as punishment for unfavorable news coverage, ....”