Saturday, August 24, 2019

Demand MORE from your Mayor

1,385,290 @ 9:50 pm

Who is the mayor of Revere?

Who is the mayor of Cambridge?

Who is the mayor of Holyoke?  Is Holyoke a town or a city? (It's a city!)

Who is the mayor of Worcester, Springfield, Newton?

How many mayors are there in Massachusetts?

Mayors fly under the radar.    Do you know what ex-Mayor McGlynn is up (or down) to?

Well, we here at Medford Info Central have a clue, but most of the public can't recognize CURRENT mayors let alone past mayors.

Thus the public gets sometimes scammed and taken advantage of.

But don't we deserve better?

As we head towards the election at 100 miles per hour let's see if our writings can get out far enough to influence the public to put the mayor of Medford on notice.

We are watching her, and her predecessor


Stay tuned for some revelations that will really get under their skin.