Thursday, August 29, 2019

Winthrop Circle Post REMOVED by Medford MA Facebook Group

Can't blame me this time!

When I went to post the thread had vanished:

Joe Vig response to Darren Pigeon:
When you are in a city with local government that doesn't listen, ESPECIALLY when we offer up solutions at the city council, you can't just shrug it off and cave in to the despots ruining this city. "Find another route?" How about we get a clean elections law in Medford? Dr. Storella pays good money for tax solutions and gets harassed by city councilors. Senior citizens speaking to the council get paper torn up into the microphone or Councilor Dello Russo walking out and slamming doors to cause a ruckus. We are seeking solutions, and we are providing solutions. Local government is intentionally tone deaf. Finding another route isn't the answer. Finding fresh faces to run this city is.