Thursday, August 15, 2019

Just eMailed to Burke and Breanna: Lungo Koehn Hit a Home Run @ Council 8/13 ...and She's Still Going to Lose the Election

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81 Days to November 5, Election 2019
30 Days to Committee of the Whole Sept 24

Deanna Devney isn't losing any sleep over this election.  Nor is Jenn Dever Wood.

Breanna Lungo Koehn has 13 Twitter Followers...and she wants to be Mayor? Really?

It's Time for Breanna Lungo-Koehn to get SERIOUS about running for Mayor of Medford
81 days to November 5

City Solicitor Mr Rumley Is Laughing His Balls off Right Now.  And not because Paul Donato was in my dreams this morning (he was...eeek....what the hell does that mean???)

Who the heck is running this campaign?  Daffy Duck Lynn Anderson?  Sheesh!

In 30 days we have this 6 PM September 24 Committee of the Whole Breanna Lungo-Koehn better get her act together. 

She has 6 tweets and 13 followers on Twitter.  That's like putting your toe in the water at Revere Beach and pulling it out because there might be sharks infesting the sea shore. 
Yeah, Breanna, the sharks are going to walk right out of the pond and yell "BOO" - Why aren't you ANGRY at McGlynn and start running a REAL campaign?

Dig deep into your anger for McGlynn and win this thing.

A REAL candidate would talk about the allegation that her opponent's daughter was banging the varsity coach at the high school.  Instead of the community laughing at Mayor Burke for being such a bad mother, they are laughing at you Attorney Lungo-Koehn for not knowing how to take on such a terrible mayor!

I mean - think about it...who would you rather be fighting in a court of law - Attorney Lungo-Koehn or  Pro Se Jose (that being me!)

I destroyed TV3, what the hell do you think I could do to Muccini-Burke in a court of law, even with that allegedly drunk and profane clerk of courts for a no-good husband!

You want to win the election - start reading Medford Information Central Dot Com

Take the friggin' gloves off Breanna and START PUNCHING or you will lose this election in the most embarrassing of ways.


McGlynn is loving it.

It's Time for Breanna Lungo-Koehn to get SERIOUS about running for Mayor of Medford
81 days to November 5

13 followers on Twitter in a city of 60,000 people and you are running for what?   Neil Osborne's job?

And STOP voting WITH Mrs. Burke at the city council.  It is an embarrassment and she can and will use that against you.

This election is already over.  81 days for the Coronation of Clueless Mrs. Burke for another two years....ugggggghhhhhhhh

Let those who have ears hear....

Joe Viglione 

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