Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Indict Mark Rumley for this Nonsense

Censorship at the Access Station:

If you say what the Mayor doesn't like she will fail to abide by her OATH OF OFFICE, same with the CITY SOLICITOR, and they will consider it "disruptive behavior" to call them out on their wrongful conduct 

Basically, if you have evidence that Rumley is an ignoramus, or that Stephanie Burke laughed at a sexual stunt at the high school, you are "disruptive" 

Stephanie spits at her oath of office; Rumley pisses on his! They both need to be removed for the health of the city of Medford 

Denial of Services MCM has the right to deny membership, access, and other services to any individual or group who has exhibited disruptive behavior at MCM or any other public access center or organization. Amendments Amendments to the policies may be generated by the staff, Cable Advisory Committee, or Mayor’s Office, or proposed to the staff then submitted to the Cable Advisory Committee and Mayor’s Office for consideration.