Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Response to Nutty Dan MacGilvray

What do I know? I'm just a published writer looking objectively at the city and working hard to correct things. It is the city that is wrong and vicious, and you, Dan, are a mirror image via your writings that you are every bit as nutty and nasty as the mayor. All due respect but many in the city - from Michael Marks to the editor of the Transcript - have called me "spot on." I'm just saying what the Administration doesn't want to hear. And you know what, Dan? Your vicious scribblings are EXACTLY the hate that you point the finger and blame innocent people like me of having. Well, guess what? When a city is THIS DIRTY one has to roll up the old shirtsleeves and jump into the mud with the pigs. They want a fight? They came to the right person. I am willing to fight for what is right. You, Dan, are indicative of the problem. The truth hurts, doesn't it? Time to get angry that we have a foul-mouthed "First Husband" in Medford, and that's a fact. But Dan MacGilvray throws rocks and proclaims that there's no evidence when that dirty-mouth clerk of court embarrasses himself when seen in the city. Hurling an expletive at a debate? Mayor Stephanie married him: she exacted that kind of vulgar individual on her children. Shame on her. Terrible role models, just terrible, by the factual evidence we've seen of how they conduct themselves in their private lives. Awful. Exile them, they have no place in city government. We have the facts, Dan MacGilvray is a shill for those indecent individuals who have hijacked the city of Medford.