Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Current Village Idiot Dan MacGilvray is yapping about the parody of Brian S. Burke, court clerk, as the allegedly drunk robber cited in the post about the East Cambridge Bank robbery.


It seems, when Joe has not evidence to challenges programs of an elected official, Joe moves to personal attacks of the elected official or family members.

Joe must be a Democrat s who make up the political party of” Hate”

TO: Dan MacGilvray 

Dan, you are ignoring the plethora of evidence that we have obtained directly from city hall via public records requests. While I offer EVIDENCE that City Hall doesn't want to give up, you just throw rocks. You do no work that anyone can see FOR the city, Dan, you behave like a shill for a corrupt group of Democrats who are an embarrassment to the progressive movement.
A free press allows for scrutinizing allegedly "elected" officials and is ultra important when a truly dysfunctional family has seized the levers of power. You, Dan, are one voice howling at the moon supporting the creeps. They are creepy. And you know what, Dan? While the rest of us are out there speaking at the city council, filing public records requests, gathering information for the public, you carry the water for a crooked Administration with rumors of one of the children having an affair with a teacher, nepotism at the highest level vis-a-vis the firefighter application, it just is so ugly. We'll let your post stand as an example of an individual who hates the free press and the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, just as Mayor Stephanie does. 

Arms hurting for carrying so much water, Dan?