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Saturday, February 29, 2020
The Big Public Access Cover-Up in Medford
By Information Central February 29, 2020
1,552,044 @ 9:04 pm
1,552,031 @ 8:56 pm
1,551,978@8:11 pm
122 @ 9:04 pm 124 minutes, 122 page visits
109 @ 8:56 pm 116 minutes
989 views yesterday
In the 2010 U.S. Census, Medford's population was 56,173.
Do you think those 56,173 people know what's going on with the cable TV ratepayer franchise fees?
Do you think 56,173 people got a letter or e mail to join the public access station?
Do you think a CORI check and an...
Mayor Put On Notice Today: FIRE PATRICK GORDON -
By Information Central February 29, 2020
1,551,668 @ 1:55 PM
1,551,647 @ 1:38 pm
Children in Medford Ripped Off by No Access
Patrick Gordon has so few members at MCM, Medford's Still Useless Access TV station that he has to put his name on the list as a member.
He's not a member, he's the alleged station manager!
To Mayor Lungo-Koehn - A New Cable TV Advisory Board is Needed
By Information Central February 29, 2020
1,551,619 @ 12:57 pm
20,180 in the past month
Mayor Lungo-Koehn needs a Cable Advisory Committee and New Policies and Procedures. People told me to give Breanna a chance, well, the 2nd month will begin this Thursday, March 5th and access television is a disgrace in the community of Medford.
Based on information from the Acting City Solicitor the current station manager lives in Georgetown, Massachusetts and has to trek anywhere from an hour...
Acting City Solicitor Notes TV3 Manager Resides in Georgetown... How does that help Medford?
By Information Central February 29, 2020
Dear Mr. Viglione:
For the purposes of clarification, please see below:
a) The city/town that Mr. Gordon resides in was provided to you in my response to your records request on February 12, 2020.
Joe V responds:
... we have a station manager 30.7 miles away, approximately 90 minutes back and forth. It's absurd and that individual has no love...
New Top 10 + Pat Gordon's Negligence Knocks L'Italien Report out of #1 - W O W!
By Information Central February 29, 2020
1,551,290 @ 12:22 am
357 views in 322 minutes! on a Friday night
Gordon's Incompetence Just Squeaks by the all-powerful L'Italien Report, but Pat still did it!
Pat's now famous for being a loser! and fudging the membership with his own name!
Membership List under Pat Gordon and Ben Brown - P...
Feb 26, 2020
The L'Italien Report How We Will Post This Import...
Nov 22, 2019
The L'ITalien...