Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Goal - Prison Time for TV3 Board Member Arthur Alan Deluca

1,543,955 @ 12:35 pm
A lengthy conversation with a government official today was for a specific reason:

...the financial records of Medford Community Cablevision, Inc., which I'm in the process of obtaining.

What is first and foremost is to hold

Arthur Alan Deluca responsible for his hideous behavior - trashing elders including allegedly his own mother.

Enabling a vicious, disgusting, malicious stalker

Arthur's own stalking activities

Lying to the public

Lying to the police

Deluca has made and left a path of destruction in Medford, especially denying citizens, including Paul Donato, their right to the TV station.

With the potential of Deluca in prison - allegedly - the people who put a roof over his head can be safe from his unethical and immoral - and illegal activities.  Illegal when it came to lying to the police and failing to account for the public access monies the public was forced to fork over, the danger to Medford citizens can be averted ...

Bringing Arthur Alan Deluca to justice.

It's on the agenda.

Deluca can be the first, then let the other dominoes fall in the TV3 mess.

We had a LENGTHY conversation with a government official today regarding the TV3 monies.   

TV3's corrupt, dirty board did NOT get a clean bill of health, and the information will be available soon.

Deluca's going to need a Trump pardon once the information is available.   And Arthur ain't getting one.