Saturday, February 29, 2020

Acting City Solicitor Notes TV3 Manager Resides in Georgetown... How does that help Medford?


Dear Mr. Viglione:

For the purposes of clarification, please see below:

a) The city/town that Mr. Gordon resides in was provided to you in my response to your records request on February 12, 2020.

Joe V responds:

... we have a station manager  30.7 miles away, approximately 90 minutes back and forth.  It's absurd and that individual has no love of Medford.

b)Stephanie Muccini Burke  hired Mr. Gordon in the same manner that she hired Ben Brown.  These individuals are not quite    "ready for prime time."

c)Access Television is supposed to be FUN as well as informative.  The membership list you provided shows a lack of effort by   Mr. Gordon to get to know the community, it is rife with politicians, the now defunct cable advisory board, candidates, but  sadly lacking in community, reflected in the poor attendance and lack of programming


e)Dawn Natalia lived about 82.9 miles away in Foster RI.  What in God's name was Pilleri thinking hiring her over a local?  Oh, that's right, Pilleri had delusions of being some great film producer on Medford's dime.  If those films were professional,  which they were not, it would still have been a travesty as that is not public access. 

Taking some kids from some families  and rejecting others was the antithesis of public access and made for some hurt feelings.  

Like auditioning to be a cheerleader.

  Access is for everyone and the current policy is pure discrimination.