Friday, February 28, 2020

Access TV must be Fun for All. Not Just Some

A Brady List Of Access TV Employees

Your children cannot be around board members investigated by Elder Affairs or Board Members disrupting an airline or board members engaging in homosexual discrimination. A butcher knife photo over a same sex person’s head by a creepy female bully a judge had to slap with a restraining order

Access should be fun. But not when sickos stalk and harass and the sickos turn out to be staff or board members of Medford and Malden TV stations.  That’s a clear and present threat to public safety

Elder people shouldn’t be abused by city councilors lacking in both decorum and intelligence slamming doors and ripping up paper into the microphone. If they get up and leave when one is speaking and it is compensation fraud and dereliction of duty

A no confidence vote should be taken and those councilors removed for discrimination

Access should be fun

Access is dying specifically because of these selfish frauds who don’t invest time in fighting cable providers looking to change the agreements; Trump’s ugly FCC and people cutting the cord