Sunday, December 12, 2021

ROLAND JEWELRY STORE SUNDAY DEC 12 Thieves Acting Like the Medford City Council with their Smash and Grab

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Medford, MA Smash & Grab A smashed door; a quick robbery photo CREDIT: Roland's Jewelers

The good news for the store is that most of the jewelry was locked away and not touched.

The owners are currently assessing the damage and taking stock of exactly what the thieves were able to get away with.

What's the difference between Adam Knight, Zac Bears, Rick Caraviello and the Medford City Council and the jewelry thieves at Roland's?

The City Council gets away with more theft than the thieves, not only of your hard-earned dollars Isaac Bruce Bears II is said to want to vote on and steal, but they steal free speech, integrity, community and ethics.   Lock them up!