Monday, June 20, 2022

2017 Boston Globe Reporter Resigned due to Sexual Harassment Complaint

 In the article, published on Dec. 8, the newspaper included several paragraphs mentioning the unidentified reporter's resignation within a longer feature about how media outlets address sexual misconduct in the age of the #MeToo movement.

The article reported a female employee in her 20s filed a complaint against the unidentified Globe reporter last March. The complaint alleged the reporter used vulgar sexual language and proposed she have sex with his wife, according to the Globe. After "additional accusations emerged from outside the company," the newspaper pressured the reporter to resign.

Sources reportedly told CommonWealth Magazine that a Boston Globe journalist investigating sexual harassment on Beacon Hill in recent months had learned of O'Sullivan's misconduct, which upon investigating, led that reporter to alert Globe editor Brian McGrory in mid-November.

That story's timeline aligns with the CommonWealth's report that O'Sullivan's last byline was published on Nov. 17. In recent weeks, O'Sullivan had reported on stories about sexual harassment policies within political bodies.