Monday, June 20, 2022

Page 23 of the L'Italien Report, Published Monday June 20, 2022 STATEMENT OF FACTS,

 Page 23 of the L'Italien Report, Published Monday June 20, 2022 STATEMENT OF FACTS,    CRADOCK BRIDGE SCANDAL So Officer James Grubb, #53 on District Attorney Marian Ryan's BRADY LIST for Medford/Middlesex County untrustworthy police officers, seems to have worked 15 minutes on March 28 2018 and put in for 8 hours? Correct me if I'm wrong, and even if the Feeney Brothers paid for this, not the taxpayers, the taxpayers still paid Feeney, correct? This - allegedly - is THEFT by people who take an oath to serve and protect and be honest. They set a TERRIBLE example, Breanna4Mayor and need to be removed from the force for putting yet another police-related black eye on the city of Medford. Horrible Check out #53 on the D.A. Brady List.